
Fri, Jun

Goalkeeper Ayinde Abu Bakr, despite having a request for a US visa turned down last week, will meet up with the rest of the Joe Public football team in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday as alternative arrangements were made for him by the club management to travel through Caracas.

Bakr did not travel with the rest of the team on Sunday night. The team, under coach Michael McComie, arrived in Brazil via Miami and are scheduled to play three practice matches before taking on Volta Redonda on Sunday and then Flamengo two days later in a game which will be televised live on Sport TV in Brazil.

”We are obviously excited about this trip because for several of the players on the team it will be their first visit to what many consider to be the mecca of football. They will no doubt benefit from the exposure of playing against top teams like Flamengo and the chance to train and play in Brazil is really what a lot of players dream of when you come from our region,” McComie said. Club owner Jack Warner will meet the team in Rio on Friday.