
Fri, Jan


Trend­set­ter Hawks sealed the first spot avail­able to the Piz­za Hut Elite (Un­der-17) Di­vi­sion 'Big-Four' of the 2019 Re­pub­lic Bank Na­tion­al Youth League with a 3-0 de­feat of Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly Cri­sis Cen­tre on Sat­ur­day last.

The trio of Daniel David (49th), Malachi Ce­les­tine (59th) and Mi­cai Pe­ters (67th) all scored in the sec­ond-half for Hawks, in their sixth straight from as many match­es to climb to max­i­mum 18 points, five ahead of Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed, 4-1 win­ners over Jar­ic Ti­tans to move to with­in a point of a cer­tain top-four round-robin fin­ish on the eight-team ta­ble as well.

In the two oth­er match­es in the Elite Di­vi­sion, Pris­ons FC trounced Queen's Park Crick­et Club Foot­ball Acad­e­my 3-0 with Malique More­au (50th, 55th) and Sal­im Grif­fith (80th) on tar­get to stay third with 11 points, and al­so close in on qual­i­fi­ca­tion, while Giv­ing Back FC blast­ed Crown Trace FC 9-0 to stay in the hunt with sev­en points, in the fifth spot.

The zon­al quest o reach the na­tion­al quar­ter­fi­nals are al­so in full swing in the North, East, South and To­ba­go Zones.

In the 11-team North Zone, Pro Se­ries dropped its first points in a 1-1 draw with Trend­set­ter Hawks I in the Un­der-11 Piz­za Hut Age-Group 11-team.

How­ev­er, Pro Se­ries still leads the bat­tle for three qual­i­fi­ca­tion places with 19 points, ahead of per­fect Queen's Park Crick­et Club (18), Hawks I (16), Foot­ball Acad­e­my (15) and San­ta Cruz Unit­ed (12)

In the six-team North Zone Un­der-13 Hol­i­day Snacks Di­vi­sion, Hawks II (12 pts) will be joined by the win­ner of the clash be­tween joint sec­ond placed teams QPCC FA or Hawks I, both with nine points.

And in the Piz­za Hut Un­der-15s com­pe­ti­tion, Hawks I cer­tain of qual­i­fi­ca­tion with max­i­mum 18 points from six match­es and two left to play along with RSSR which has 15 points and match in hand, as well as one oth­er club from five.

In the East Zone Un­der-11 com­pe­ti­tion, FC Gin­ga with 13 points from five match­es holds a nar­row one-point lead over SKHY while La Hor­quet­ta XF (11) and the duo of Matu­ra Unit­ed and Febeau Gov't, both with nine are all in the mix for two avail­able spots.

In the Un­der-13s FC San­ta Rosa with 13 points from five match­es topped its qual­i­fiers ahead of Matu­ra Unit­ed (ten) which got sec­ond ahead of Trinci­ty Na­tion­als based on head-to-head re­sults, a 1-0 out­come.

And in the Un­der-15s, FC Gin­ga and Trinci­ty Na­tion­als have se­cured the two qual­i­fi­ca­tions spot with 13 points from five match­es each, four more than FC San­ta Rosa and Mal­abar Young Stars with on­ly one match day left.

Down South, Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly Cri­sis Cen­tre, Pt Fortin Youth FA, and Gas­par­il­lo Youths all have nine points at the top, how­ev­er, Mara­bel­la has on­ly played three match­es to its ri­vals four.

In the Un­der-13 Di­vi­sion, San Fer­nan­do SA has a 100 per cent win­ning record af­ter four match­es for 12 points, two clear of Giv­ing Back FC while Pt Fortin Youth FA is third with a max­i­mum of nine points. The Un­der-15s race is much clos­er with Ste Madeleine Strik­ers (sev­en), Giv­ing Back S.C (six) and Moru­ga FC (six) sep­a­rat­ed by a mere point.

Elite Un­der-17 Di­vi­sion

Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Utd 4 vs Jar­ic Ti­tans 1

Trend­set­ter Hawks 3 (Daniel David 49th, Malachi Ce­les­tine 59th, Mi­cai Pe­ters 67th) vs Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly CC 0

Pris­ons FC 3 (Malique More­au 50th, 55th, Sal­im Grif­fith 80th) vs QPCC F.A 0

Giv­ing Back FC 9 (Mikhel Kent 65th, 70th, Jah­fari Coop­er 20th, Chris­t­ian Bobb 22nd, Bren­dan Mait­land 25th, Trevon Au­gus­tine 45th, Eli­jah Ather­ton 48th, De­shaun Quashie 50th, Josi­ah Phillip 63rd) vs Crown Trace 0

North Zone
Venue: Queen's Park Sa­van­nah:

Un­der-11 Di­vi­sion:

Trend­set­ter Hawks 1 (Jaquan Phillip 23rd) vs Pro Se­ries 1 (Hashim Por­tillo 25th)

QPCC F.A 4 (An­tho­ny Man­soor 8th, Samuel Smyth 17th, ben­jamin Har­ri­g­an 36th, 45th) vs Rosary Boys FC 1 (Nick­el Pierre 20th)

Foot­ball Fac­to­ry 3 (Keon Kissoon 8th, 28th, Keanu Sealey 40th0 vs Trend­set­ter Hawks II 0

North Coast SCC 1 (Noah Fe­lix 31st) vs Rosary F.A 0

San­ta Cruz Utd 2 (Isa­iah Au­dain 24th, 31st0 vs Ex­cel­lente F.A 1 (Gio­van­ni Bartholomew 40th)

Laven­tille Unit­ed 3 vs T&T Mae­stros 0 - by de­fault

Un­der-13 Di­vi­sion

Trend­set­ter Hawks I 6 (Rus­sell Fran­cois 5th, 10th, 49th, Ish­mael Cas­tang 15th, An­to­nio Sealey 29th, Sha­heim O'Bri­an 47th) vs Em­pre FC 0

Trend­set­ter Hawks II 1 (Mi­ca­iah Thomas 6th) vs St Mary's Col­lege 0

QPCC F.A 3 vs T&T Mae­stros 0 - by de­fault

Un­der-15 Di­vi­sion

RSSR 3 (Zair Samuel 15th, Ju­nior Turn­er 19th, Tashawn His­lop 34th) vs St Mary's Col­lege 0

Trend­set­ter Hawks I 3 (Akeil Au­guste 13th, Lar­ry Noel 43rd, Chris­t­ian Calder 62nd) vs San­ta Cruz Utd 1 (Ja­mal Per­ouse 32nd)

QPCC F.A 2 (Zane Mar­shall 32nd, Lo­gan Clarke 69th) vs Laven­tille Unit­ed 1 (Sher­mer Gray 50th)

Trend­set­ter Hawks II 3 vs T&T Mae­stros 0 - by de­fault

East Zone
Venue: Con­stan­tine Park, Ma­coya:

Un­der-11 Di­vi­sion:

FC Gin­ga 3 (Mikel Mur­ray, Ja­mari Bak­er, Zwade Al­leyne) vs San Juan Jabloteh 0

Ex­treme LH 2 (Ja­son Jack­son 31st, Aidan La Rode 39th) vs Crown Trace FC 1 (Make­si Kendall 18th)

SKHY FC 10 (Joshua Miguel, Jak­won How­ell, Ezekiel Bernard, Isa­iah Mor­ris 2, Che Bourne, o.g, Nathan Thomas 2. Jalani Ot­t­ley) vs Mal­abar Young Stars 2

San Juan Jabloteh 2 (Kazyi­ah Hay­wood, Luke Fer­reira) vs Crown Trace FC 0

Febeau Gov't 3 (Ky­on Williams 17th, Michael Green­way 26th, 47th) vs Diem Sport Acad­e­my 0

Matu­ra Unit­ed 1 (own goal) vs Mara­cas Unit­ed 0

Un­der-13 Di­vi­sion

Trinci­ty Na­tion­als 1 (Oymide Jack­son 31st) vs FC Gin­ga 0

FC San­ta Rosa 2 (Aaron Kong 42nd, 47th) vs Crown Trace 0

Matu­ra Unit­ed 3 (own goal 11th, Dar­ius Elahie 17th, Je­quan Brown 46th) vs Ex­press FC 0

Un­der-15 Di­vi­sion

Trinci­ty Na­tion­als 2 (Sid­diq Dam­ree 31st, Har­ri­son Parks 65tyh) vs FC San­ta Rosa 1 (Kris­t­ian Homer 13th)

FC Gin­ga 11 (Johnathon Robin­son 3, Malchi Hazel 3, Ronal­do Rogers 2, Adam Nep­tune 2, An­tho­ny Samuel) vs Diem Sport­ing Acad­e­my 0

Mal­abar Young Stars 2 v(Ny­ron Dy­er 48th, o.g 63rd) vs Coop­er's Coach­ing Acad­e­my 1 (Kyle Clarke 4th)