
Fri, Jan


Jar­ic Ti­tans joined Trend­set­ter Hawks, Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed and Pris­ons FC as qual­i­fiers to the Piz­za Hut Elite (Un­der-17) Di­vi­sion ‘Big-Four’ of the Re­pub­lic Bank Na­tion­al Youth League with a 3-1 de­feat of Crown Trace FC on Sat­ur­day.

The trio of Do­minic Al­fred (5th), Ky­lon Braith­waite (39th) and Ju­vani Thomas(67th) were all on tar­get for Ti­tans in the win be­fore Jevonte Stew­art net­ted a 69th-minute con­so­la­tion for the losers.

The win en­sured Ti­tans end­ed with 13 points from sev­en match­es on the eight-team ta­ble, eight be­hind ta­ble-top­pers Hawks and be­hind Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin on goal-dif­fer­ence while Pris­ons FC was fourth with 12 points.

The zon­al bat­tle for na­tion­al quar­ter­fi­nals will go in­to the fi­nal round in the North, East, South and To­ba­go zones.

In the 11-team North Zone, Queen’s Park Crick­et Club with 25 points from nine match­es are cer­tain of qual­i­fi­ca­tion while the trio of Pro Se­ries (22), Trend­set­ter Hawks I (21), and Foot­ball Fac­to­ry (16) from eight, nine and eight match­es re­spec­tive­ly are com­pet­ing for the two oth­er spots

The duo of Trend­set­ter Hawks II (12 pts) and Trend­set­ter Hawks I (12 pts) have al­ready qual­i­fied for the na­tion­al play­offs from the six-team North Zone U-13 Hol­i­day Snacks Di­vi­sion while in the Piz­za Hut U-15s com­pe­ti­tion, San­ta Cruz Unit­ed with 15 points from sev­en match­es joined Trend­set­ter Hawks I and RSSR, both with 21 pts from sev­en match­es as the teams ad­vanc­ing on the nine-team ta­ble.

In the East Zone U-11 com­pe­ti­tion, SKHY FC leads the ten-team ta­ble with 19 points from eight match­es, lev­el with Febeau Gov­ern­ment which has played a match more while La Hor­quet­ta XY (17), FC Gin­ga (15) and Matu­ra Unit­ed (11) are all still in the fight for two play­off spots.

In the U-13s FC San­ta Rosa with 13 points from five match­es and Matu­ra Unit­ed, (ten), which got sec­ond ahead of Trinci­ty Na­tion­als based on head-to-head re­sults, a 1-0 out­come qual­i­fied to the na­tion­als.

And in the U-15s, FC Gin­ga and Trinci­ty Na­tion­als se­cured the two qual­i­fi­ca­tions spot with 16 points each from their six match­es, four more than FC San­ta Rosa.

Down South, Gas­par­il­lo Youths has com­plet­ed its six-match sched­ule in the Un­der-11 age-group with 13 points, the same as Brick House Sports which has a match left to play and can still be caught by Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly Cri­sis Cen­tre (11) and Pt Fortin Youth FA (ten) all with a match left in the quest for two qual­i­fi­ca­tion places.

In the U-13s, Pt Fortin Youth F.A sits atop the stand­ings with 15 points from five match­es, two more than Giv­ing Back FC and San Fer­nan­do SA, the lat­ter of which has com­plet­ed its cam­paign while Dar­ius Coach­ing School with eight points and two match­es left still has a chance as well to be among the three qual­i­fiers.

Moru­ga FC with nine points from five match­es, and Giv­ing Back, al­so with nine, but from four match­es lead the qual­i­fi­ca­tion bat­tle in the Un­der-15 Di­vi­sion with two spots at stake while Ste Madeleine Strik­ers with eight points, and Pleas­antville Sec­ondary and Gas­par­il­lo Youths, both on sev­en are in the mix.

Over in To­ba­go, Jar­ic Ti­tans heads the race for the Un­der-11 lone qual­i­fy­ing spot with max­i­mum 12 points from four match­es, three ahead of Ball Blasters Acad­e­my with one match left.

How­ev­er, its much clos­er in the Un­der-13s as Ti­tans and Broth­er Ry's Coach­ing School are locked on ten points from four match­es, one more than Ball Blasters with one round left to play.

And in the Un­der-15s, Ea­gles sit at the top with max­i­mum 12 points, two ahead of Ti­tans with one match to play as well this week­end.