
Sat, Feb


Af­ter stun­ning three-time cham­pi­ons Dun­ross Prepara­to­ry School 1-0 in its open­ing en­counter, the new­com­er to the Port-of-Spain and En­vi­rons Foot­ball League Un­der-12 Di­vi­sion com­pe­ti­tion, St An­drews Pri­vate School, con­tin­ued its win­ning ways by beat­ing Care­nage Boys Gov­ern­ment, last week.

The cham­pi­on of the West A Zone, St An­drews Pri­vate, will now meet Diego Mar­tin Boys RC on Tues­day at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo from 9.30 am.

Dun­ross Prepara­to­ry fin­ished sec­ond to the new cham­pi­on while Care­nage Boys had to set­tle for a dis­ap­point­ing third place.

In the West B Zone, Diego Mar­tin Boy’s RC fin­ished ahead of Di­a­mond Vale Gov­ern­ment.

Diego Mar­tin Boys RC won the right to rep­re­sent the West Zone in the U-15 Boys cat­e­go­ry.

In the Port-of-Spain & En­vi­rons Cen­tral Zone, Rich­mond Street Boys were vic­to­ri­ous in the Cen­tral A Zone with Sa­cred Heart Boys as run­ner-up. New­town Boys RC did the trick in the Cen­tral B Zone with Mu­cu­rapo Boys RC se­cur­ing the run­ner-up po­si­tion.

New­town Boys con­tin­ued their good form with a 1-0 vic­to­ry over St Agnes AC School. The New­town out­fit looked crisp and set to take high ho­n­ours this sea­son. New­town Boys did the dou­ble as they al­so won the Cen­tral U-15 cat­e­go­ry.

St Do­minic's RC con­tin­ued its win­ning run in the East Zone U-12 League af­ter get­ting the bet­ter of a plucky Hokett Bap­tist by a 3-2 mar­gin.

In the Girls Di­vi­sion, league leader Care­nage Girls lost their un­beat­en record af­ter they suf­fered a shock 2-0 loss to Mu­cu­rapo Girls RC at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um.

Though Care­nage Girls are atop the stand­ings, they will have to beat Dun­ross Prep to ce­ment their place at the top of the league. Should Dun­ross win, then they will have to beat Care­nage Girls by four clear goals to get in­to the fi­nal.

In the U-15 Boys cat­e­go­ry, Diego Mar­tin Boys RC and Care­nage Boys will move to the play­off round from the West. New­town Boys RC will rep­re­sent the Cen­tral Zones.

North Zone U-15 cham­pi­on school is St Barb’s Gov­ern­ment.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian