
Fri, Feb


The play­ers of La Pas­to­ra Gov­ern­ment Pri­ma­ry School of San­ta Cruz wrote their names in­to the an­nals of School's Foot­ball his­to­ry when they suc­cess­ful­ly moved up from be­ing cham­pi­ons of the At­lantic Na­tion­al Pri­ma­ry School Un­der-12 Boys League in 2017, to be­come the Un­der-15 Boys Na­tion­al Cham­pi­ons last Wednes­day at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo.

In front of a large crowd, the cham­pi­ons did not dis­ap­point and aid­ed by their biggest sup­port­er, Prin­ci­pal Car­olyn Pati­no, the young team out­played the for­mer two-times cham­pi­ons Car­nage Boys Gov­ern­ment by a 3-1 mar­gin.

Clear­ly, the best Pri­ma­ry School Team in the coun­try, La Pas­to­ra gave a boost to the San­ta Cruz Coach­ing Acad­e­my and to the San­ta Cruz Com­mu­ni­ty at large with their back-to-back suc­cess­es.

Prin­ci­pal Pati­no said, “This is what I want for my stu­dents. I wish that they all could be holis­ti­cal­ly de­vel­oped. We want to en­sure that the school and com­mu­ni­ty work close­ly to­geth­er to get the best for our stu­dents and we cre­ate an en­vi­ron­ment where our stu­dents want to com­pete for our school and com­mu­ni­ty in every as­pect of their lives. We have brought in near­ly the whole school to sup­port our team and that sup­port has pro­vid­ed the im­pe­tus to move to an­oth­er lev­el. I Thank the play­ers, coach­es, par­ents and com­mu­ni­ty for their sup­port in this ven­ture.

Last year, the script was writ­ten and this year, it was the same sto­ry with just an­oth­er year as the Stan­dard Four Stu­dents Lin­den Sween and Jadiel Joseph car­ried the school to vic­to­ry. Just like 2017 Joseph has ad­judged the Most Valu­able Play­er, while Sween pro­vid­ed the fans with a fan­tas­tic goal and many great sup­port­ing pass­es.

Lin­dell has three broth­ers and one sis­ter. He is the last child of his par­ents Melis­sa Chan­dler and Clint Sween. His fa­ther said that from the ten­der age of two Lin­dell showed an in­ter­est in foot­ball. Fol­low­ing in the foot­steps of his broth­er Kerdell Sween, who plays for the T&T Na­tion­al Un­der-17 team. Lin­dell start­ed foot­ball train­ing from an ear­ly age and trains with the San­ta Cruz Foot­ball Acad­e­my and San Juan Jabloteh Sports Club. He is cur­rent­ly train­ing with Blast Foot­ball Club of Ari­ma and the T&T Un­der-13 team. His dream is to be a bet­ter play­er than his broth­er and to one day be a mem­ber of the na­tion­al se­nior foot­ball team.

Lin­dell stat­ed that all he needs to do to fin­ish off an­oth­er in­cred­i­ble which in­clude at­tend­ing the At­lantic Man­ches­ter Unit­ed Camp lat­er this year. He stat­ed, “I en­joy the camp last year and I am look­ing for­ward to meet­ing the coach­es again this year."

Lin­den nev­er works with­out his Pe­tit, ag­ile, twelve-year-old part­ner, Jadiel. Jadiel is the el­dest of four sib­lings to his par­ents, Emer­al Di­az and Per­nell Joseph. Jadiel, hav­ing a keen in­ter­est in foot­ball from the ten­der age of six, was taught the ba­sic skills of the sport by his neigh­bour, Keyel Mor­ris. It was not un­til he start­ed school, La Pas­to­ra that his tal­ents were dis­cov­ered and to­day he's one of the best play­ers in the coun­try in his age group. His par­ents were en­cour­aged to en­rol him in the San­ta Cruz Foot­ball Acad­e­my, where he has been a mem­ber for the past four years.

Over the past eight years, the top 50 pri­ma­ry school foot­ballers re­ceived the life­time op­por­tu­ni­ty of a week­end’s tute­lage from three coach­es af­fil­i­at­ed with the Man­ches­ter Unit­ed Train­ing Acad­e­my from Eng­land.

The camp is fa­cil­i­tat­ed every year by Man­ches­ter Unit­ed coach­es Ea­mon Mul­vey and Kevin Ward and last year had the added bonus of the ex­per­tise of for­mer Man­ches­ter Unit­ed strik­er Bri­an Mc­Clair, a leg­endary 15-time tro­phy win­ner for the world-renowned club.

2018 Win­ning Team Mem­bers

Keyshawn Lan­gaigne, Sha­heim O'Brien, Lin­dell Sween, Jadiel Joseph, Ron­dell Prince, Mikey Nel­son, Malachi Bridge­mo­han, Amelleo Dun­can, Tris­tan Dwari­ka, Jarel Bal­con, Jah­seem Pierre, Cameron Dar­ling­ton, Isa­iah Au­dain, Malachi Lester, Chris­t­ian Cam­po, Mal­ick Fer­nan­dez, Jedan­nie Bap­tis­te­Mekeal Vi­dale.