
Sat, Feb


Some 50 pri­ma­ry school foot­ballers from across the na­tion will get the op­por­tu­ni­ty to hone their skills un­der re­tired na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al foot­baller Ken­wyne Jones at the At­lantic Foot­ball De­vel­op­ment Camp from De­cem­ber 14-15 at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Port-of-Spain.

Camp par­tic­i­pants will in­clude the top-per­form­ing boys and girls from the re­cent­ly-con­clud­ed At­lantic Na­tion­al Pri­ma­ry Schools Foot­ball League. The young foot­ballers will be guid­ed through tech­ni­cal drills and ex­er­cis­es such as drib­bling, pass­ing and con­trol, all of which will cul­mi­nate in two match­es at the end of each day.

The ath­letes will al­so ben­e­fit from spe­cial life skills ses­sions aimed at build­ing con­fi­dence and self-es­teem. Jones will al­so lead ses­sions to share in­sights from his ca­reer and life lessons he has learned.

The camp is part of At­lantic’s com­mit­ment to de­vel­op­ing the T&T’s youth through sports.

Re­cent­ly, the LNG pro­duc­er staged the fifth an­nu­al At­lantic Track and Field De­vel­op­ment Camp fa­cil­i­tat­ed by At­lantic Sports Am­bas­sadors Richard Thomp­son, Keshorn Wal­cott, Jereem Richards and Khal­i­fa St Fort.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian