
Sat, Feb

After viewing With God Nothing is Impossible: The Marvin Andrews Story, Warrior Nation member Joann Charles decided to share it with the youth congregation of her church. Joann was so moved by the film that she felt that it could be used as a motivational and inspirational tool. The screening was held at the Morvant Open Bible Church on the Rock, Lady Young Road on Sunday, September 9th 2007. Here is her recap of the proceedings.

Morvant Open Bible Church

Why did you decide to show the film?
Our community of Morvant is known for its athletes, and because of this, sport evangelism is one of the tools that we use to motivate our residents. In addition, we have forged a partnership with Malick Secondary Comprehensive where our co-Pastor Kate Agard was a teacher for many years.

What did you hope to achieve?
This was an occasion to motivate the youths of the community by showing them that a world of opportunities is available to them. They would be able to witness one of their own go from humble beginnings in San Juan to the world stage. In addition, it would let them know that God places individuals in your life to help you accomplish your goals. An example of that is Mr. Tim Nafziger who purchased the ticket for Marvin to originally go to Scotland. Despite all of the fame that Marvin has acquired, he has not turned his back on God and he puts him first in all of his decisions.

Who was in the audience?
Most of the audience were comprised of members of the church's Youth Department, but there were some adults present due to the fact that an open invitation was extended to the entire community.

What was the general reaction to the film?
The comments were extremely positive and it was felt that the film should be shown to the general public. It was actually shown on NCC Channel 4's Morning Programme on a public holiday back in May, but I suspect that the viewership was very small, so I doubt many people are aware of its existence.

What kind of comments were made?

Here are some of the noteworthy comments that were made:
  1. "His grandmother planted the seed for his spirituality, which reminds me of Proverbs 22:6 which states Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it".
  2. "It is important to keep your promises to God. The Rangers players promised to go to church if they won the league, but never did".
  3. "It shows the importance of knowing God’s voice and being obedient to that voice. The decisions not to go to Dundee when they wanted him, and to return to Raith Rovers after playing for Rangers appear to be made by a madman, but Marvin was just following God".
  4. "Regardless of where you are, you can always talk to others about the teachings of Jesus Christ".
  5. Don Leo said "I operate in a secular environment so I cannot glorify God", but even he felt the power of Marvin’s prayers.

Would you think about inviting Marvin to speak at your church?
Yes, Yes, Yes .

Comments from Joann:
For me it was truly inspirational knowing that Marvin and I grew up in the same community. I never knew him personally, but the fact that someone from Irving Street, Petit Bourg, San Juan has accomplished so much is amazing. In addition, his unwavering faith in Jesus Christ and his openness in admitting his devotion is an inspiration to me and it is an example that I can follow.

I smiled when I heard the comment from his former coach at Livingston "He will never be a great passer of the ball.", because there have been a number of times that I have cringed while watching Marvin make bad passes.

He really needs to market this DVD locally, especially to churches and football teams. The response from my congregation has been amazing and I have no doubt that other people will have similar reactions. It would be great to have him share his testimony in our church, and I hope that it will be possible in the near future.