
Wed, Jul

The T&T Pro League presented the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation with a cheque valued at $27,000 to assist in the “Journey to Germany” campaign at the TTFF Headquarters on Dundonald Street, Port of Spain on Thursday.

Pro League CEO Dexter Skeene presented the cheque to TTFF President Oliver Camps and explained that the money was half of what was received at the gates during last Friday’s Pro Bowl Final in which CL Financial San Juan Jabloteh defeated Vibe CT 105  W Connection 1-0 at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium. The National Team also defeated Bermuda 1-0 in the first game of the double header played at the venue.

“We decided earlier this year that the Pro League would work hand in hand with the TTFF for the benefit of football in Trinidad and Tobago,” Skeene said. “It was decided that part proceeds from the gates would be our way of contributing towards the Federation and the national team on its way to Germany. We are firm believers that there must be a vibrant Professional League if this country must make a mark on the world stage.”

Camps also spoke of his appreciation towards the Pro League’s contribution.

“This contribution is one which we appreciate very much and these sort of gestures will definitely go a long way to ensuring that football continues to develop through the efforts of the TTFF and the Pro League. The Federation has been working at all ends to ensure that the game is in good hands along with the Pro League. Surely we are all also banking on a good victory for our national team in Saturday’s World Cup qualifier against Panama” Camps said.