
Fri, Jun

Port Vale are resigned to losing Chris Birchall for next month's Gold Cup - despite Martin Foyle's pleas for the winger to miss the tournament. Birchall had intended missing Trinidad and Tobago's games in the US-based competition as Foyle was concerned he would be jaded before the start of the new season.

However, Trinidad coach Leo Beenhakker was adamant that Birchall played.

The Vale winger was due to join international team-mates for a training camp today ahead of matches in Miami on July 6, 9 and 11 against Honduras, Panama and Colombia respectively.

If Trinidad qualify they could play another three games, including the final at New York's Giants Stadium on July 24.

Birchall impressed in two World Cup qualifying games after being called up to represent his country last month. The Caribbean republic are strong contenders for a place in the finals in Germany next season and Birchall could have been gambling with his World Cup chances had he pulled out of the Gold Cup.

Foyle said: "Chris has made his decision and decided to go, so there is no point getting angry about it.

"I hope he learns from the experience and can rest at the right time. I also hope they get knocked out of the Gold Cup early so he can come back."

Meanwhile, the Valiants will carry a sponsor on the back of their shirts for the first time next season. MDA Transport, who specialise in delivering refrigerated food throughout the UK and Ireland, will appear on the back of Vale's shirts for home league games.

The club had already received a boost with the news Bill Bratt is staying on as chairman for the immediate future. The chairman's decision, as revealed in The Sentinel on Saturday, followed talks with his directors. Bratt, who will remain unpaid, has not decided when he will next review his position.