
Sat, Feb

Minister of Sport Darryl Smith

As the optimism grows and a feeling of hope envelopes the football loving supporters of T&T’s  Soca Warriors in the race for a place at the 2018 World Cup in Russia, some harsh realities must be addressed.

The four points in the bag could easily have been six but once again funding - the perennial enemy of sport in this country, rears its ugly head.

It is to coach Stephen Hart’s credit that we have won and drawn in our two matches so far, but the reality is that Hart and his talented group have not had the kind of preparation with which the coach could be happy.

In spite of the hostility and fireworks of the coming days as the TTFA heads for elections, it is my hope that the Association can work with their major financier, the Ministry of Sports to ensure that all is done to assist this team.

It is one thing for the Minister of Sport to be posing and hugging former standout national Russell Latapy but the minister must understand that while we must not ignore the past, it is the future that will bring us the unity and joy that T&T craves and he needs to fix this team on the way to Russia. The players are that good! They can do it.

As Hart prepares his team to battle St Vincent on Good Friday, his programmes and plans must be quickly approved and funded. Minister Darryl Smith would not want to start his reign with the reputation of failing to support the Warriors. As someone who speaks tirelessly of athletes and legacy (although two months have passed and the National Sporting Archives have not resumed despite his promises), this would surely undermine his aspirations.

Support coach Hart, Mr Minister, it will pay off.

Players injuries, travel, and most importantly earnings, need to be carefully monitored. We need to ensure that the best medical team is assembled with upgraded equipment.

In terms of payments to players, we must ensure that this is done as soon as a match is completed and therefore restore confidence and belief in the players minds that their financial affairs are being addressed. There is little doubt that a forward, a midfielder or a defender would play even better, if they do not have to be concerned with these financial matters during the course of a match.

As a matter of transparency, all candidates opposing the incumbent Raymond Tim Kee in Sunday’s elections, must declare their positions on Hart and his team going forward, because if there is a change in administration, this must not affect the road to Russia.

None of the candidates must interfere with the operations of the team, as we have seen this before and it has been a mess. These assurances need to be given immediately by all concern.

There is currently a good chemistry in this team, which is heightened by the composure and demeanour of the coach. Hart is quite an astute leader, with a lot of time for the players who based on what we have seen also believe in him. This shows in the fighting spirit within the squad. They have a never say die attitude.

Individually we have seen a lot of players asserting themselves. In this regard, the captain Kenwyne Jones has led, but we must not forget the strong presence of Jan Michael-Williams. However, I like the work rate, and temperament of players such as Danielle Cyrus, Sheldon Bateau, Joevin Jones, Khaleem Hyland and Andre Boucard. This is an improving team, and we are still to watch the finished product.

I have no doubt that if Hart is given what he needs, this team can excel, but we need to avoid the unnecessary problems of the past, by being proactive and this where the Ministry of Sports and the TTFA must become husband and wife, so even when they quarrel or disagree, the children do not suffer.

Finally, we must all believe that in time, corporate T&T will come forward to assist in the journey, like they did in 1989 and 2005.

We can’t escape the fact that national unity is forged through the sweat and talent of our sporting fraternity. We live in an oftentimes cruel world as the recent events of Paris will testify.

Therefore, we the people of this country, who continue to suffer, corruption, crime, favoritism and dishonesty, need FOOTBALL to lift our spirits and make us all believe again that good can overcome evil.

The TTFA’s elections on Sunday may well be a reference point - a point from which we can return to the glory days of celebration, when T&T as a country and a people could lay claims to putting aside all differences and standing together behind a national force.

The Soca Warriors are that good. Let’s put our hearts into this. And get to Russia with love.