
Tue, Jul

National coach Bertille St Clair should be a happy man over the next few days following the news that he will have the services of all requested players for the upcoming 2006 semi-final round World Cup qualifier against St Kitts/Nevis on Sunday at the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella.

This is after the T&T management learnt that several of the players based overseas are now under severe pressure from their respective clubs when it comes to representing the country.

There have been several instances in the past when T&T’s European-based pros were facing problems with being released on time to come home and join the T&T squad and now the problem seems to be a reoccurring one. Thankfully though, this time around the players have stood up and have made themselves available for games to ensure that T&T has the best team possible for the qualifiers.

The latest player to face the pressure is prolific striker Stern John who has been asked by Coventry City manager Peter Reid to consider quitting playing for T&T, while the likes of Scottish-based defender Marvin Andrews, Brent Sancho, Brent Rahim, Anthony Rougier, Kenwyne Jones, Cornell Glen, Clayton Ince, Shaka Hislop, Dennis Lawrence and others are all facing situations with their respective clubs.

“It harder than ever now for me to come back and play for the country,” John told TTFF Media shortly after his nine-hour journey from London on Monday evening.

“The gaffer is now questioning all these times I have to come back and play because he thinks the long trips are a hazard and then sometimes when we get back to England it takes a week or more to readjust to the time difference and the climate. But it’s a sacrifice we are making because are committed to T&T,” added John who has now acquired residential status in England.

“To be honest, the gaffer has even asked me to quit playing for Trinidad because he thinks it’s taking too much out of me. But I’ve already decided that I want to give it one last try to reach a World Cup and I’ll see how things go from there. I just want to focus on the games coming up and to be fair, while I want to play for T&T, I also have my career to look after so hopefully people can understand this and give us the support and don’t just think we are on a joy ride.”

Sancho, Lawrence, Andrews, Rahim and Andre Boucaud have all had recent flight problems with delays and lost of luggage which puts them in the hot seat with the clubs.

“Right now my manager would be the happiest guy around if I didn’t have to play in the World Cup qualifiers and talk about giving up international football has been a topic around,” Sancho said. “The long flights and the difference in the conditions as well as the risk of injury when we play in international games makes it difficult but it’s all something that we are committed to. Whether the clubs are happy or not, they will have to understand too and that is why sometimes all we ask for is for decent conditions at home and for the people to give us that support. All it takes is to rally around the team and come out to the games. Even a full stadium on Sunday against St Kitts will do us a world of good.”

The local pros are not without problems as skipper Angus Eve and company sometime face training schedule conflicts and are forced to make the extra sacrifice to ensure that they can work under St Clair for the betterment of the national team.

“The players don’t just go out there and kick a ball just for the sake of it. We all have demanding schedules and then when you have to get yourself mentally ready to face the big stage it tends to take a lot out of you. Thankfully so far, there is a good spirit in the team and we are coming along well at the moment. We all want to get the best results and with the support of the people and all those around us, who just like they feel good when the West Indies team brings home a trophy, Lara makes a century or George Bovell wins a medal, can have the same hopes for our team and hopefully give us the support we need at this time,” Eve added.

The team with overseas pros John, Sancho, Glen, Rahim, Andrews and Errol McFarlane, trained on Tuesday at the Larry Gomes Stadium and will train there again on Wednesday with Hislop scheduled to arrive on the day.