
Fri, Jun

WREXHAM'S Dennis Lawrence - whose 49th minute goal for Trinidad against Bahrain put the Caribbean nation through to next summer's World Cup finals - has revealed he missed out on his team's immediate post-match celebrations because of a random drugs test.

The big central defender was pulled aside by Fifa officials only minutes after the final whistle and segregated from his team-mates for nearly two hours until he was able to provide a urine sample.

But Lawrence said he more than made up for lost time when he was later given permission by Wrexham boss Denis Smith to fly back to Trinidad for the biggest party in his country's history.

The 31-year-old former soldier, whose career as a professional footballer began only when he signed for the Dragons in March 2001, yesterday confessed he was still coming to terms with his new status as a national hero.

"I've only ever wanted to play football so it's not something you prepare yourself for," he said. "My initial reaction to winning last week was to be happy for my country and even now it's still unbelievable, but obviously a bit special for me.

"After the disappointment of drawing 1-1 with Bahrain in Trinidad we knew we had to score out there, but when I got the goal I didn't for a minute believe it would be the one to take us through.

"All I can remember is that Dwight Yorke shaped to take a corner and was told to drive it hard into the box. I managed to lose my marker and put my head on the ball and made sure I kept it low.

"It was only at the end that its importance registered and there was a huge buzz among everyone on the pitch as we realised what we had done. But then I was whisked away for a drugs test and by the time I was through I simply joined the players on the bus to the hotel.

"Not being able to join in the dressing room party took a bit of the shine off it for me, but we'd won the game and I couldn't ask more than that."

Having witnessed the triumph in person, Trinidad's president, Maxwell Richards, immediately declared a public holiday and insisted that the players abandon their original plans to rejoin their clubs on Thursday and instead travel home to the capital, Port of Spain.

But Lawrence said he was reluctant to incur the wrath of the Racecourse boss. "I was already wearing my winter clothes because I knew it was cold in Wrexham, but eventually I rang the gaffer and told him about the party," he added..

"He couldn't have been more under-standing and said I had to go back to Trinidad and enjoy it. "I've lived there for 26 years of my life but I've never witnessed anything like the scenes that met us. There were enough people at the airport, but we boarded an open-topped bus and the journey into the centre, which normally takes 35 minutes, lasted six-and-a-half hours, so big were the crowds.

"I was later told the partying had begun from the moment I had scored the goal so it made sense to have a public holiday because people wouldn't have gone into work in any event.

"Reaching the World Cup finals is the best thing that's happened to our country, so the party went on and on and I think I got about three hours sleep out of 48."

Commenting on reports that team members have each been awarded a plot of land in Trinidad in addition to a bonus of £60,000 for qualifying, Lawrence said: "I've not heard anything about the land, but if it's true I'll be delighted.

"The sight of all those happy people in Trinidad was its own reward and meant everything to me. Material things come and go but that will be my abiding memory. I'm proud of my country and would do anything for it.

"As players we didn't talk about money before the games with Bahrain. Our goal was to achieve something for our country, which we've done, so we'll be happy with whatever the financial rewards may be.

"Going to Germany will produce new sponsorship and commercial deals and there's money to be made for individuals and for Trinidad, but that's not really important.

"I'm proud of who I am, I'm proud of my culture and heritage and I'm a great believer that things happen for a reason. My wife told me she knew I was going to score before Dwight took the corner and all the good things in my football life have come late.

"I didn't get my first professional contract until I was 26 and I'll be 31 if I'm selected to play in the World Cup finals. So I'm planning to enjoy it while it lasts and make sure those around me enjoy it too."

The consummate professional, Lawrence knows only too well he must yet earn his place in the Trinidad squad for Germany.

"Hopefully I'll be available for selection when the time comes," he said. "But I know I've got to keep myself fit and be mentally prepared to fight for my place against a lot of other players.

"Obviously I've got a great opportunity to go to the finals and if I'm there I'll be delighted. Last week was the highlight of my career because it's the first time Trinidad have reached the finals of a major tournament. So, of course, I want to be part of that.

"If I go, I'll make sure my wife (Gloria) and daughter (Celine, eight) are there as well because they have missed out on everything that has happened so far.

"But my job now is to play for Wrexham and I can't let thoughts of the World Cup affect that. I've got to carry on performing as I've always done and I won't do anything different.

"I'll still be putting my foot in - and my head - where and when it's needed."