
Fri, Jan


For­mer na­tion­al coach Ron La Forest is ex­pect­ing a good per­for­mance from the T&T foot­ball team when it faces Iran in an in­ter­na­tion­al friend­ly match at the Aza­di Sta­di­um in Tehran Iran to­day.

La For­est, who al­so coached at all lev­els of foot­ball in T&T, is pre­dict­ing a re­turn of the good days in T&T foot­ball, which could be­come a re­al­i­ty be­cause of the play­ers' pos­i­tive re­sponse to the coach Den­nis Lawrence.

"The more in­ter­na­tion­al friend­ly match­es the team plays, the more the play­ers will jell as a unit and im­prove the qual­i­ty of foot­ball they can pro­duce," La For­est ex­plained.

He said, "As a coach, I do not make pre­dic­tions, but the good thing is that be­cause the play­ers have been re­spond­ing to Lawrence's style of coach­ing, it will be up to him to de­cide what he wants the play­ers to do in the match, and how. "

Lawrence has called up un­der-20 strik­er Isa­iah Lee for the en­counter, along­side oth­er key play­ers such At­taula Guer­ra from Charleston Bat­tery in the Unit­ed States, Ger­man-based winger Jo­evin Jones, Sau­di Ara­bia based duo of Lester Pelti­er and Daneil Cyrus, and de­fend­er Shel­don Bateau who plays pro­fes­sion­al­ly in Kaza­khstan.

"I think the play­ers have a nice fa­ther fig­ure in Den­nis Lawrence who has been strict and very pro­fes­sion­al as he car­ries out his du­ties as a coach. We will win some and lose some, but I ex­pect that there will be grad­ual progress un­til even­tu­al­ly, we will have a strong team," La Forest ex­plained fur­ther.

La Forest who has guid­ed Guaya Unit­ed to a clean sweep of the League and all oth­er ti­tles at stake in the 2017 edi­tion of the T&T Su­per League, told Guardian Me­dia Sports the win­ner of the match will be de­ter­mined by who clicks on the day.

He said, "Iran has a very strong team but in foot­ball, it is very un­pre­dictable. I can­not and will not at­tempt to sug­gest what type of foot­ball Lawrence should play, but whether they go out strong in at­tack or play from a steady de­fence, will all be de­ter­mined by the ap­proach Lawrence wants to take to­mor­row."

T&T went down to Thai­land 1-0 in their last in­ter­na­tion­al friend­ly match in Thai­land re­cent­ly, and ac­cord­ing to Lawrence, he will be go­ing af­ter a pos­i­tive re­sult to­mor­row.