
Fri, Jan

T&T may lose Lawrence to Wrexham.

T&T se­nior men's foot­ball team pro­gramme may face a se­ri­ous set back if Wrex­ham Foot­ball Club in the Unit­ed King­dom gets its wish to lure and sign T&T coach Den­nis Lawrence.

Re­ports out in the Unit­ed King­dom press sug­gests that coach Lawrence has emerged as the book­mak­ers’ favourite to be in­stalled as the next per­ma­nent Wrex­ham man­ag­er.

How­ev­er, a source close to the TTFA said that Lawrence has un­fin­ished busi­ness with the So­ca War­riors and the chances of him sign­ing for the Wrex­ham job is very, very slim and not in his fu­ture plans. T&T has no games sched­uled un­til Feb­ru­ary and af­ter that, the team's fo­cus is on the Gold Cup in mid-year.

Ef­forts to con­tact Lawrence for a state­ment proved fu­tile.

Ac­cord­ing to the re­port Lawrence, the for­mer Reds cap­tain is cur­rent­ly 2/1 with Sky­Bet and Bet Vic­tor to suc­ceed Sam Rick­etts, whose de­par­ture for Shrews­bury Town was con­firmed by the club on Mon­day.

Lawrence, who made 198 ap­pear­ances for the Reds in a five-year spell be­tween 2001-2006, has been slashed from odds of 8-1 to take the role.

Cur­rent­ly, in charge of his na­tive T&T, the 44-year-old has moved ahead of cur­rent as­sis­tant man­ag­er Gra­ham Bar­row whose odds are cur­rent­ly 3/1.

The two coach­es have worked to­geth­er pre­vi­ous­ly at both Wigan and Ever­ton un­der Rober­to Mar­tinez.

Club of­fi­cials have as­sured fans that they will move swift­ly to fill the man­age­r­i­al va­can­cy, with a slew of oth­er po­ten­tial can­di­dates avail­able at longers odds.

A state­ment is­sued fol­low­ing Rick­etts’ ex­it said: “Wrex­ham AFC is in a strong po­si­tion af­ter 22 league games of the 2018-19 sea­son. We would like to thank Sam for his ef­forts and for the work he did while at the foot­ball club.

“We are ful­ly fo­cused on fur­ther im­prov­ing up­on this sit­u­a­tion go­ing for­ward.

“Wrex­ham AFC have al­ready be­gun the process to ap­point Sam’s suc­ces­sor with Gra­ham Bar­row tak­ing charge of the first team on an in­ter­im ba­sis.

“We will make fur­ther an­nounce­ments re­gard­ing this mat­ter as soon as pos­si­ble.”

Re­cent­ly-sacked Shrews­bury boss John Askey is avail­able at 6/1, with the likes of Kevin Nolan and for­mer Reds strik­er Andy Mor­rell priced at 8/1.

Dar­ren Fer­gu­son is an­oth­er ex-Red in the run­ning, with for­mer Ebb­s­fleet boss Daryl McMa­hon avail­able at the same price of 12/1.

A wealth of ex­pe­ri­enced man­agers com­prise the mid-mar­ket op­tions, with Rus­sell Slade (14/1), Phil Brown (16/1) and Gary Bowyer (16/1) all in the run­ning.

Out­siders for the role in­clude the more youth­ful Craig Bel­lamy and Har­ry Kewell (both 20/1), while Ian Hol­loway, Owen Coyle and Rus­sell Wilcox avail­able at a healthy 25/1 price.

Wrex­ham will hold a press con­fer­ence on Fri­day morn­ing to pro­vide fur­ther up­dates ahead of their home clash with East­leigh.