
Fri, Jan

Focused Warriors hunt needed result.

T&T's So­ca War­riors will seek to rec­ti­fy the mis­takes they made in their pre­vi­ous match­es when they face Hon­duras in their third match of the CON­CA­CAF Na­tions League from 7 pm to­day at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo.

Coach Den­nis Lawrence's men had just two days to pre­pare for the en­counter and the coach ad­mit­ted at a press con­fer­ence yes­ter­day that he got two oth­er play­ers to com­plete his puz­zle on­ly yes­ter­day.

The War­riors drew both their pre­vi­ous match­es against Mar­tinique but Lawrence, a for­mer na­tion­al de­fend­er turned coach, re­mind­ed the me­dia of how they drew 2-2 in the sec­ond game last month, say­ing they let it slip.

He promised his play­ers would be fo­cused on get­ting the re­sult that they need to get to­day.

"I think we know what's at stake. We un­der­stand the im­por­tance of this game. The last game, we let it slip, or we would have been in a much bet­ter po­si­tion. The boys looked up to it and are ready for the chal­lenge, so we're go­ing to be very fo­cused and try and get the re­sult that we want to get be­cause we all know the im­por­tance of the game."

Lawrence said Hon­durans are an ex­pe­ri­enced team who will be com­ing with con­fi­dence and be com­pet­i­tive in their at­tempt to get a vic­to­ry.

The Hon­durans de­feat­ed T&T 2-1 the last time the teams met but Lawrence said his charges played a very bad game then, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the first half. The vis­i­tors will al­so be com­ing off of a vic­to­ry in an in­ter­na­tion­al friend­ly with Chile re­cent­ly, which Lawrence ap­plaud­ed, say­ing they did very well to come back and win the en­counter.

Lawrence said he al­so in­tends to use the priv­i­lege of not re­leas­ing his team to their op­po­nents too ear­ly to his ad­van­tage. He told the me­dia his team faced tremen­dous dif­fi­cul­ty against Mar­tinique be­cause he was un­aware of who their play­ers were un­til just be­fore the match, which made it dif­fi­cult to plan. Lawrence, who is yet to re­ceive a win from his team in some 13 match­es, not­ed he will be us­ing a sim­i­lar tac­tic to his ad­van­tage in the fu­ture.

How­ev­er, he said for the War­riors to win and ad­vance in this tour­na­ment, his play­ers must take the chances when they come.