
Thu, Jul

Where is the budget?

The Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs appears to be at their wit's end to secure the proposed expenditure for the Soca Warriors' preparations for the Germany 2006 World Cup.

Yesterday, the Ministry issued a release to the media that sought to make "the media aware" of two correspondences sent to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF) concerning Government assistance to the national senior football team.

Back on November 24, T&TFF officials including, the organisation's president Oliver Camps and the T&TFF's special adviser Jack Warner met with the Minister of Sport Roger Boynes and said to the Minister that they would be in a position to "indicate the financial requirements in support of the Trinidad and Tobago national football team campaign towards World Cup Germany 2006, after the final draws for positions..."

The draw took place on December 9 in Leipzig, Germany.

In their first reminder to president Camps-which was also copied to Warner-dated December 12, Boynes invited the local football organisation to "submit in detail the expenditure to be incurred in respect of the team preparation and technical staff requirements, taking into account projected revenue".

In that letter, Boynes stated further that the Government was attempting to ensure that it fully supports the national football team "in a timely manner" to do Trinidad and Tobago proud at the World Cup Germany 2006."

The second piece of correspondence was issued by Boynes to Camps and company yesterday, reminding the T&TFF "that time is of the essence".

"In light of this therefore," the letter said, "as Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs I wish to indicate , on behalf of Government, that I look forward to a very early response as it relates to the Federation's submission in detail of the expenditure to be incurred in respect of the team's preparation and the technical staff's requirements and projected revenues."

Contacted yesterday, Camps said the budget was a work in progress.

" It is being prepared right now, " he said, "you know how much information we had to get from all over the place about camps etcetera and it is taking a little time. They (the Ministry) called us this morning and we told them the same thing. We are working on it."