
Sun, Jul

This newspaper has recognised in this very spot the seminal contribution made by Austin Jack Warner to the general development of T&T’s football and, in particular, being the single most dynamo in the team reaching the World Cup finals in Germany this year. And this newspaper continues to hold that position as the efforts, energy and personal commitment of Mr Warner to football have not been surpassed.

However, Mr Warner has to be careful about his mood swings, the definitive and dogmatic positions he adopts one day only to change them the next.

In the conduct of his politics, the deputy political leader of the UNC is free to chance his arm and vacillate from one day to the next. The executive of the UNC and the rank and file of the party will ultimately make their judgment.

Mr Warner must not, however, take such categorical and potentially damaging positions that could engender conflict between the football Federation, the team, coaches and the football fraternity on the one side and the government of the day on the other.

Moreover, when Mr Warner announced at his press conference on Tuesday that he and the Federation had taken the decision to no longer require the involvement of the Government, except for making a couple payments to coach and players, it came seemingly without notification and justification.

The circumstances were that the Federation had most naturally asked for financial support from the Government to get the team to Germany in good preparedness and the Minister of Sports had responded promptly, asking for a budget to take to the Cabinet.

Further, when the team returned triumphantly from the qualifying leg in Bahrain, Prime Minister Patrick Manning publicly committed government funding to the team. There was therefore little room for the Government to wriggle out of the arrangement.

Moreover, what government in its right mind would want to so risk the ultimate public censure for withholding funding from a national football team in this moment of glory for T&T.

That Mr Warner was upset by newspaper articles questioning his business operations could not be seriously considered to be grounds for what he said was the decision to leave the Government out of the Soca Warriors journey to the World Cup of soccer.

Not only is government funding necessary for such a national effort, but in very practical ways the Government’s involvement in the logistics of the team getting to Germany, the protocols and diplomacy involved and the very fact of a team going to an international competition to represent the country without the Government being at the centre of it all would be incomprehensible.

We are sure that the entire country is relieved that this one has passed. Nevertheless, we raise the issue as a lesson for all that have responsibilities to ensure that the team reaches Germany in the best frame of mind and that the national community has cause only to “vibes-up the place,” as Dennis Lawrence asked for.

Given all that has to be done and the many individuals and institutions that have to co-operate to get the arrangements made, it is logical to expect that there are going to be serious challenges.

The requirement is for all to pursue resolution without conflict and certainly minus partisan politics.