
Tue, Jul

Trinidad and Tobago head coach Leo Beenhakker will hold two separate sessions with a 17-man squad on Saturday as he uses the opportunity to look at some players who were not involved with the "Soca Warriors" in recent times and also work with some of the current members of the team at the Larry Gomes And Hasely Crawford Stadiums.

Beenhakker along with assistant coaches Wim Rijsbergen and Anton Corneal will then select from this squad, players to join a list of US-based players for a training camp in Ft Lauderdale, Miami for five days inside the first week of February.

Among the players selected for Saturday's double sessions include United Petrotrin utility player Anthony Rougier, Errol McFarlane, Gary Glasgow, Nigel Henry, Kerry Baptiste, Glenton Wolfe, Stephen Cruickshank and Jan Michael Williams. They will join recent team members Scott Sealy, Cornell Glen, Avery John, Brent Rahim, Anthony Wolfe, Anton Pierre, Silvio Spann as well as Aurtis Whitley and Cyd Gray.

The morning session will begin at 9am at the Larry Gomes Stadium and then at 5pm at the Hasely Crawford Stadium.

"We obviously will use the opportunity to look at and work with some of the locally based players as well as the others who are in the country at this time. It gives us a chance to get the preparations off the ground and see what possibilities there may be,"Beenhakker told TTFF Media.

He then will select players from this bunch to go to Ft Lauderdale to work with other US-based players who were selected out of a recent training camp in Trinidad. Beenhakker made the decision on this overseas camp a day ago and it was approved without hesitation by Special Advisor Jack Warner who was in St Lucia on Friday attending the initiation of a FIFA Goal Project after arriving from Cairo, Egypt the previous day.