
Sun, Jun

An Edmonton DJ is cutting short a gig in the Caribbean sun to help spur on the Trinidad and Tobago football squad as they prepare for their World Cup debut this summer.

Martin Jay, breakfast show host on Choice FM, will return home from Carnival in Trinidad, where he makes an annual appearance, following personal pleas from the football team and their coaches.

Trinidad play Iceland in a World Cup warm-up match at QPR's Loftus Road stadium on February 28, and Martin, who has lived in Kimberly Road for seven years, has been enlisted to fly carnival spirit home with him.

He said: "A lot of people who can't go back to Trinidad for carnival will be feeling down, so DJing at this match will help bring a bit of carnival spirit into the ground."

Martin will be playing soca music, which is recognised all over the Caribbean as the soundtrack to carnival.

The Trinidadian team, known as the Soca Warriors, has astounded the football world by qualifying for their first World Cup.

Martin said: "Trinidad getting into the World Cup was a humungous event in the eyes of everyone from the Caribbean. They've won the World Cup already just by getting there."

The DJ, known as the Soca Prince, has already booked his ticket for Germany, where Trinidad will line-up against Sweden, Paraguay and England.

Many people are expecting England to run up a cricket score against the Caribbean islanders, but Martin Jay is not so sure.

He said: "I think the England game will be the one where they might surprise a few people."