
Fri, Jun

Going to the World Cup with Chris Birchall

What do you think are our chances of reaching the second round in the World Cup?
I think there isn’t much pressure on us. Everyone has England and Sweden as the favourites and I like that. That’s the reason why I think we could perform well. Four points should do it for us, I think if we can start off by not losing our first game for Sweden then we will have it all to play for in the game against Paraguay. That’s going to be our big game.

What are your earliest World Cup memories as a youngster?
I can remember Italia 1990. That’s the first one I watched as a kid and I remember England playing Germany and Cameroon. I still have video tapes of the likes of Gary Lineker leading the attack and Chris Waddle and Paul Gascoigne being the main guys.

Your world has obviously changed a bit over the years and particularly since we qualified. How do you manage this and all the other attention?
It’s been strange really. Playing for Port Vale I’m not really used to all of it. It’s been outrageous since especially as we drew England. I’m just trying to keep my feet on the ground. It’s been great to be part of history making for Trinidad and Tobago.

When you got into the T&T,  in many ways you were young. Over the years, you have grown with it. What has helped you settled as a professional human being?
I’ve settled a lot. This has been my second proper season of football.  I had a good one with Vale last season and then went straight into international football. It’s made it a lot easier for me now because I have earned a lot of respect from the players at Vale. It’s been a massive year for me and I have become more confident playing with guys like Dwight, Stern and Carlos and the rest of them

What are your aspirations for the World Cup and beyond?
For the World Cup I just want to stay injury free before the start of it as it would be a nightmare to miss it. Realy the main aim is to have three good games as a team and personally in the first instance, At least the lads can give it all they have and if we don’t go through at least we could look back and say we gave it or best. It will be a great occasion for guys like Russell, Dwight and Shaka who may not play much after that. It’s tough but it’s going to get better as we get to Germany.

For the future hopefully I can play at the highest level like the Premiership and then carry on playing for Trinidad and Tobago for many years to come.

What are your top three T&T moments?
The third will be my  debut against Alianza Lima. The guys all made me felt so welcome. We lost but I felt I had a good opening game and it took the pressure off a bit. The coach seemed to be impressed. Second would be beating Mexico when Stern scored them two goals. It’s the best game I have ever played in for my career so far. The atmosphere was unbelievable at the Hasely Crawford Stadium. The best moment would have to be my goal against Bahrain.

Most embarrassing moment as a player?
I would probably be my home debut against  Plymouth when  we lost 5-1 at home. I took a corner, and it skidded off and one of the other guys took it and went all the way to goal. For Trinidad it would have to be when I had just come for a game and I had to get to training so I rang Carlos up and he got the name of the Stadium wrong. So I traveled all the way down to the Manny Ramjohn and there was no one there, just me alone. Then I had to get up to the Larry Gomes Stadium for the session (laughing).  

How do you think you have changed as a player since joining the national team?
I gained a lot more confidence playing with a high quality players. Like I said earlier I have more respect at Vale and the guys there are even telling me I can go on to a higher level. When I first came into the National team I didn’t really feel I should really be there because you had guys like Dwight, Russell and Marvin who all had Champions League Experience and Stern in the Premiership and here I was just a Vale player. But they all made me feel like one of them.  

What’s your favourite kind of music to listen to? Are you a lover of Soca Music now?
I got that old Soca Cd from you so I have been playing it ever since in my ride.. I also like R&B and Pop. Hopefully I’ll get a couple new Soca Cds when I come for the Peru match.

What was the last film or DVD you looked at?  
Goal – It’s a football movie.

What is a normal day like for you?
Since I have been back from Bahrain, it’s been training in the morning at 10 until 12:30pm. And then you get some time to rest up and then in the evening it’s time to socialize a bit, maybe watch some ‘tele’. For Vale, you are not allowed to be present in any compound which sells alcohol from the Wednesday evening before games on the weekend not that I’m a big drinker though but that’s how it is basically.

Do you maybe think now you can come back and give back to T&T in the future?
Hopefully once I finish playing in England I will love to come over and set up a base and call it home whether it be in Trinidad or Tobago. I got homesick the first time I came over but now everytime I come over for games I don’t want to go back to England really. I think I’ll be coming to Trinidad every summer from now on and maybe even consider living there when I finish playing.

Any predictions for the World Cup games?
I think we will draw against Sweden, England is going to be a tough one, the hardest of the lot. But even if we lost and if we, I think we can beat Paraguay and go through on four points.

What’s the feeling inside of you now that the World Cup is getting closer and closer?
Just for me to not get injured. Vale has two games left but I will only play one so I’m hoping it goes well. Right now I’m just waiting on the big stage and I’ll be ready to give my all. We are not just going there to make up numbers. I want England!