
Fri, Jun

Recently, I caught up with national goalkeeper and Trinidad and Tobago World Cup 2006 hero Shaka Hislop during his visit to Trinidad for the La Foucade Soccer Clinic's International Christmas Soccer Camp.

The 37-year-old T&T custodian, who has also stood between the uprights for English clubs, Newcastle United and West Ham United, and currently for US Major League Soccer club FC Dallas, only spent two days at the camp.

The 275 youngsters who were fortunate enough to participate in the camp, enjoying the expertise of Hislop, former US women's player Tiffany Roberts, Jamaican international Tyrone Marshall and a number of former national players, were treated to a fun experience, and constantly mobbed the T&T veteran.

Hislop even took part in a game called "Escape", with the young campers split into two large groups, and signed autographs along with the other international players as well, before heading back to the US.

He even took time out from the rigours of coaching and fun events to chat with me about the camp, his career, and the historic World Cup experience.

Q: How did you get involved with the camp?
A: I've worked with Dion for a long time, and I have a lot of respect for him, I've a lot of respect for what he has achieved...I've always been very keen to give back to the local community, you know, I've tried to remain involved in Trinidad football at all levels. Not only as a player, but also giving back in a number of different ways...This opportunity just ticked all the right boxes...

Q: What impact can it have on the youngsters?
A: To me, a lot of people see the glamorous side of football. The end product, the big game, the glory as it were. When really, this is where we all fall in love with the game. I started off playing games just like this, in camps just like this, with the likes of Clint Marcelle, Dwight Yorke, Russell Latapy, and this is where we all start, and it's an important step.

Q: What's next for Shaka Hislop?
A: Well I've got another year left on my contract in the MLS, and who knows? I've got a well-deserved break now, and I hope to come back fresh, and next year we'll see how the season goes. Once you get to a certain age you stop thinking long term, you start thinking year by year.

Q: What about on a national level?
A: Well I think the end is nigh, exactly when, I'm not sure just yet. I'll just see how I feel, and then I'll make a decision. Again not many people play national football at this age because the demands are so high, the level is so high that the demands are much greater...I'll make a decision in the very near future.

Q: Is there any coaching in your future?
A: Maybe, you know, maybe...I've started doing my UEFA badges, I'm about to start next month doing my US badges, and we'll see where that takes me. I enjoy coaching at all level, and...we'll see.

Q: What was the World Cup like for you guys?
A: Well for me, it was a very special time. More importantly for me was the game as a fan. I cried in 1989, when we didn't make it. First and foremost I am a fan of Trinidad and Tobago football. It meant all to me to be there as a player, to be there on what was a momentous occasion for us as players, and for us as Trinidad and Tobago nationals. I'm proud to play my part, and it's something I'll never forget. As I said to Dion (La Foucade), I can now go to footballers' heaven a happy man.

Q: The match against Sweden seems to be your best ever...
A: I would agree, and I would agree for one single reason-it was the biggest game I ever played in. The biggest game I've ever been involved in. There's no other way to put it. Whichever way it went, whether we lost 1-0 or 8-0, it would still have meant a lot. It meant a lot to represent Trinidad and Tobago. It meant a lot to hear our national anthem being played at a World Cup. It was always going to be a very special day for me, and for the spectators..

Q: Is there anything about your career that you would change?:
A: No. I've tried not to live with too much regret. I'm very happy with the way things went, of course, some things could have gone better, but it's a package and I'm happy with the package that I've come away from the game with.