
Wed, Jun

Trinidad and Tobago international Carlos Edwards has a bright smile on his face these days and he wants to keep it going right up until the end of the current English Championship Season. Hopefully by then he will be jumping up too into the Premiership with Sunderland.

Edwards, recently named on the League’s Team of the Week and rated as the best midfielder in the League, has helped propelled Sunderland to an eight-match unbeaten run with his instrumental midfield play and has nine goals to his name for the current season.

But while the Premiership is the “big dream” for him, Dwight Yorke and Stern John, not to leave out Kenwyne Jones at Southampton, the former Defence Force player believes that T&T stands to benefit from the experience and exploits of the foursome.

“You can’t ask for better than three of us playing every day with each other at Sunderland and better yet if we move into the Premiership where the level is obviously higher,” Edwards told TTFF Media on Friday.

“The thing is …  it’s always hard when you have to meet up three-four days before a game coming from different clubs. But now we have an advantage because we are seeing each other every day. It’s a big plus not just for ourselves but for the country as a whole. We think that when we do put on  the red white and black, we can make it happen big for the country again,” Edwards added,

While he is aware that there are matters to be settled, Edwards said he never once gave up on representing T&T again, he definitely wants to be part of the “Soca Warriors” on the international stage and in South African 2010.

“Hopefully what we as players are doing out here can benefit the country. We saw the local players taking on the Digicel Cup and even though we couldn’t win it, hopefully the experience was a good one. But with me being here and all the other players who are raising their level of play, it can only boost the country’s national team.

“The Football Federation knows who can take the country to a higher level and to a next World Cup. Hopefully the situation can be resolved sooner rather than later because I think it’s long overdue. We all know it in our hearts and we all know what we want as players and the TTFF as well. We want to be represented in the best way possible on the international stage. We as players have our ambitions and our families but we also want to play for our country. Hopefully for me and other senior players, the situation can be resolved and we can have Trinidad and Tobago buzzing again like we did in 2005/2006,” Edwards continued.

Regarding the promotion race, the ex-Wrexham standout was anticipating even better days ahead for Sunderland.

“We know what we have to do and that’s how we will go about it. The game versus Derby is another big one but I think we can pull it off. We are on a high at the moment. Since the first day here I haven’t looked back and I am enjoying every moment of it,” Edwards concluded.