
Sun, Jul

I want to congratulate national football coach Bertille St Clair on getting the national team into the final round of the World Cup qualifiers.
But there is still much more work to do. Like so many others, I am not satisfied with the performance of the team and some players seem out of depth.

To be fair, Mr St Clair has not had much time to get things together and I like his insistence on discipline. Without discipline, there is no way the team will qualify, so the coach is on the right track.

I am also very happy to see that he has spoken to other coaches to come and work with him. That is what has been missing from our football for a long while and too many coaches want to do it all alone. The World Cup is too big for that and St Clair must be given high marks for bringing in other coaches. It shows that he understands what modern football is about. People like Alex Ferguson have many coaches working under him to get the best out of their team. I think T&T has a great chance to get to Germany but the whole country has to get behind the players and the coach. Previously we had a lot of big name players but there was too much friction and the discipline was low. That is why it is so good to have a coach who understands the importance of discipline and is willing to enforce it. The team seems to be motivated and growing in confidence and I feel that this is the best chance for T&T to get to the World Cup.