
Tue, Jun


1. Your favorite T&T and international player.

A: Stern John. The real Ronaldo.

2. It was "once" rumored  that you had an attitude problem and was dropped many times by your past teams when you were based in T&T. Its this true ?
A: Well I've heard that rumour as well! Lol ! Anyone who has worked with me would probably say that's a load of rubbish. If wanting things done properly and professionally is deemed as having a bad attitude, so be it.

3. How is the level of football in the English Division Two league compare to the one in Scotland and T&T while you where there.
A: The top 8 clubs in League 1 would more than hold their own in the Scottish Premier League. As for Trinidad and Tobago, I have not seen the local league game for a while. Jabloteh, because of their intensity, would do well in any of these leagues. Remember, Jabloteh destroyed a highly rated Dundee FC Team a few years ago 3-0.

4. Apart from that spectacular saved you made in the dying minutes in Bahrain. Then your 2005 Gold Cup match against Colombia where you were feathered on Fox Soccer Channel "save of the week" Apart from them also being important saves, do you think these 2 saves was the best in your career. In other words, your proudest moments or was there more.
A: The one in Bahrain certainly was because of its importance. If that save wasn't made the outcome may have been totally different. The save in the Gold Cup was good. However, I made a save against Guatemala during WC qualification when we played them in Trinidad. The score was 1-0 to them at the time. Looking back, I felt that was also a crucial save. If we went 2-0 down at that point, it would have been very difficult to come back.

5. Describe the feeling you felt inside the night before T&T opened against Sweden at the FIFA 2006 World Cup.
A: I was very tranquil and extremely proud. The time had come, our moment had arrived. However, I was a bit concerned because I had only just returned from a calf strain and was praying it didn't break down.

6. Speaking about T&T, will we ever see you play for us again.
A: You surely will. Love playing for my country and I think of qualifying for 2010 everyday. I'm obsessed with it.

7. You were injured for most part since singing for Gillingham City. Can you touch on this.
A: I have tendonitis in my left knee. Sometimes these things clear up quickly; sometimes they linger on. Ronaldo and Alan Shearer had the same thing. They both had surgery for theirs but thankfully my specialist, Nicola Maffulli, does not think that surgery is necessary right now. He is the best tendon specialist in the world so I am in good hands. I am doing everything he tells me to do so I would have a more productive season.

8. What are your plans as far as your club career goes as I am sure its very frustrating being injured for this long and not only this but Gillingham may not be to happy about it either.
A: Just getting fit and staying fit. Of course Gillingham wouldn't be happy because their goalkeeper isn't playing regularly but we are both working tooth and nail to ensure this changes.

9. Many fans describe you as a phenomenon one day and the opposite the next. Do you agree ?
A: Do they? Lol! I think I am a more consistent goalkeeper than I was five years ago but in sport you would have your good days and you would have your bad days but you just try to keep the bad days at a minimum.

10. Tell us a bit more about the current impasse.
A: The current impasse is a contract issue. It's in the hands of our lawyers.  Tell me Flex, if your boss tells you that for doing well you would be rewarded with such and such and he fails to live up to this, and it's been a pattern what would your feelings be?

11. Do you think you guys have a strong case seeing that you were only promised (a comfort for a fool...) your share (%) of the sponsorship from the TTFF. Will this stand up in court without proper documentation.
A: Time will tell......remember that a contract can be verbal, not only documented on paper.

12. If' the TTFF came out and said, "ok, drop everything, lets start fresh, we will support the Players Union 100% and we want you guys to come represent T&T for the Gold Cup and beyond". Will you guys consider dropping the law suit, now.
A: First of all, the Players' Union is a totally separate issue to the contract dispute. The Players' Union is to try to work with the Federation to take football forward. Every player loves playing for T&T. We the players want this issue resolved quickly but fairly.

13. Do you think being blacklisted by the TTFF is fair seeing that you guys are currently in a court battle.
A: We are not in a court battle and since this issue, the players have maintained their availability for selection. However, we have no control over what the TTFF does....

14. Give us an inside view on "FPATT"
A: FPATT would be ground breaking. It started a few years ago with myself, Brent Sancho and Travis Mulraine. For one reason or another it was not functional. Being here in Britain and realising how the PFA over here works, Brent, myself, Kevin Harrison (A PFA Financial Advisor) and Shaka decided that our players in the PFL should be afforded the same benefits players receive here. Afterall, we are a World Cup nation.

15. Do you plan to have a public account for FPATT where members from the Soca Warriors Online & Warriors Nation (who have been inquiring about in recent times) make deposits to help get things off/running. I am sure you may already have sufficient funds, but what little you acquire from some die-hard fans could ! help.
A: That would be done this week. Brent and myself would be in Trinidad this week to open an account for FPATT. When this is done, all you die-hard fans will be informed. Thanks for the support.[/b]

16. On the 20th of May you guys are playing a celebrity match in T&T. Care to touch on this event.
A: It is the informal launch of FPATT. It is a fundraising game between "celebrities" and the World Cup players. FPATT needs to raise funds to realise all its ambitions. We also want to bring FPATT to the public's awareness. As I said before, this is going to be something really positive. It will take time to realise all its objectives because this is a massive undertaking. We have to be one of the other 40+ nations which are able to provide services to its players.

17. Are you planning more events, auctions, clothing sale or other fundraisers (etc) to help maintain the "FPATT" on an annual basis.
A: Yes we are. We have had meetings with FIFPRO and PFA reps here in Britain and they have given us many ideas for sustainability. Everyone will be kept informed as things develop.....

18. Tell us one thing you would un-do if you had the power too.
A: Give the Strike Squad the opportunity to play in Italia '90. Outstanding players in that team; Marvin Faustin, Clayton Morris, Russell Latapy, Brian Williams, Leonson Lewis, Michael Maurice just to name a few.....

19. How did you feel when you heard that our Under 17 team made it to the World Championships in South Korea (Aug-2007) by qualification for the first time in history.
A: Extreme joy! It's fantastic that these boys would experience a World Cup at a tender age. This experience will be crucial to their development and by extension Trinidad and Tobago football.

20. Your view on T&T performance, our coach and fan support at the FIFA 2006 World Cup.
A: We gave a creditable showing in Germany. Our group was difficult but we showed very good organization and that was down to Mr Beenhakker and the staff. Our organization under him, helped us to qualify and to give a good account of ourselves. The fans were incredible. Their support was unwavering.

21. What role yourself, Shaka Hislop, Brent Sancho and Stern John play with "FPATT"
A: We are trying to implement all the values of the PFA here in England. We are all working toward FPATT being an organization that all players could depend on whether it be for financial advice, future planning, insurance or otherwise. We want FPATT to be in a position to offer these services because there is life after football....

22. It took you this long to start visiting the Soca Warriors Online. Many say it's because of the current situation you guys are in. Your thoughts on this.
A: I have visited before! Not regularly though. During our qualification I would try not to visit and I banned my fiance from visiting as well....reason: fans are fans and their job is to critique. There is nothing wrong with that because they support us and they help pay our wages! Mind you, they also said a lot of positive things as well. However, if there were any negative things said, I didn't want to read any of it to prevent self doubt. Although criticism can be positive, I did not want the added pressure.

23. Kelvin, remember that game in Bahrain when the Bahrain striker took the ball from you in the closing minutes of the game. You were trying to kick the ball out and he took the ball basically from your hand and buried it into an empty net.
A: I have been asked that question many times... I was not even bothered when the guy did it because I knew it was illegal.... look at my reaction when he did it. It has been tried many times throughout the world; I have never seen it given... FIFA law states it is an infringement to stop the goalkeeper putting the ball back into play.

Thank You...
Kelvin Jack.

On behalf of the Soca Warriors Online I just what to say Thank You to Mr. Kelvin Jack for taking the time to do this interview for us. Please keep up the great work you are doing and we wish you all the best in the future... you make us proud... god luck with FPATT and you have our 100% support.


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