
Fri, Feb


1. Lasana, work aside, pretend you are not writing for the Express at the moment. What are your personal thoughts on the current state of T&T football.

A: I think our football is growing because our domestic game is on the up, which is a start. I think the frequent coaching courses and the presence of persons like Leo Beenhakker, Terry Fenwick, Wim Rijsbergen and Lincoln Phillips bringing ideas from the rest of the world will help our own product. Obviously we are looking to take the positives and not the negative elements from those persons. While I think our domestic game is slowing improving, I think there is a lack of ideas and professionalism by the caretakers of our international game.

2. Seems you are always writing about Mr. Jack Warner and more so the TTFF. Do you have a personal problem as so to speak with anyone in particular at the TTFF.
A: In truth, I believe that if I write 120 stories for the year less than 40 would be about the T&TFF and half that about Mr Warner personally. I have nothing against the T&TFF or any of its individual members despite Mr Warner's bizarre press conference last January. It is merely because Mr Warner and the T&TFF are often hard to ignore for their influence in the local game which I am paid to report on. It would be like frowning on a political reporter for mentioning Patrick Manning from time to time.

3. You seem to have a good knowledge of T&T football, behind the scenes and on the field. What changes you feel we need if better must come.
A: I think we need to widen the player pool by focusing more on community age group football and helping the SSFL to improve its product without trying to take it over. More attention should be paid to Tobago too. Also, we need to give our players more exposure and lift their self-esteem by bringing more foreign teams to this country or arranging more international tours for our all star and youth teams as well as our Pro League outfits. Not to mention educating our players from an early age on proper nutrition!
I believe your question is meant to address the men teams but I would hate to see our women footballers neglected. We have some female players who are worth the price of attendance too and they definitely deserve support in their dreams as well.

4. Do you attend T&T games not just as a journalist but also a supporter. When was your last game you attended.
A: I do not think I missed a home international since 1995 apart from while I was based in the UK. The last game I attended was our win against the Mexican under-21 (not U-23) team. I am always a journalist (whether or not I have my note pad) but it does not stop me from appreciating and supporting in spirit. I did not think our team was properly equipped for success in LA. But I was impressed with the return of Keyeno Thomas, the blossoming of Jan-Michael Williams and the glimpses of potential of other members like Glenton Wolfe.

5. Do you attend Pro League games and if so, can we expect any reports from you in the future. The reason for this question is the tt-pro league website isn't happy with us using their material to publish. While writers like yourself and Shaun Fuentes are always very co-operative and supportive. You guys have no problem whatsoever with us using your hard work.
A: Well, I can see the Pro League's point as they would want to encourage your readers to view their own website. I have no problem with your site using my pieces and am often interested to see what questions they provoke in the minds of the readers. The Soca Warriors site is a good guage to see what things are interesting the T&T fans and I do look in on it as often as I can. Of course, if I was contracted to write a piece by the Pro League then they would own the rights to it.

6. What was your thoughts of T&T at the 2007 Gold Cup.
A: I do not think anyone missed us when we went home. Not that we were particularly poor but we did not bring anything special to the competition apart from Silvio Spann's set pieces. I look at it as a lost opportunity because the competition was so average that I think we could have really challenged for silverware for the first time if at full strength. Guadeloupe qualified for the semifinal round. With all due respect to them, I don't think I need to say much more!

7. Who are your favorite local player/s at the moment. Explain.
A: Kerwin Jemmott is the guy I most look forward to seeing play. I don't think he is the best in the league at the moment but his relationship with the ball and his ability to stay true to his own style without comprising the team's ultimate goal is really admirable.
A close second to Jemmott is Darin Lewis from WASA (ex-NY/NJ MetroStars and UCoNN), which shows that talent is not everything. It still pains me that he was not able to make the most of his ability for more reasons than one.
Apart from them, I appreciate players like Nigel Daniel, Errol McFarlane, Cyd Gray, Charles Polland, Abassi McPherson, Kerry Baptiste, Sheldon Emmanuel, Jose Seabra and Densill Theobald for the consistency and passion in their play.
I must also give mention to Aurtis Whitley who is unstoppable when he in the mood and other touch players like Conrad Smith, Clyde Leon, Gefferson Goulart and Nigel Pierre. So there are good individuals in the local league.

8. Do you feel Mr Wim Rijsbergen has what it takes to get the T&T team to the 2010 world cup. If yes, what tools do you think he will need to accomplish such.
A: It is difficult to rate Wim as a coach because of the difficulties he has faced in selecting and preparing a team. He is clearly committed to good, positive football that our fans can appreciate. At present, he does not seem to enjoy the full support of his players, fellow coaches, the Pro League owners or even the T&TFF.
If the T&TFF does not plan to take the 2010 campaign seriously, we might as well bring in a local coach for the future and give him time to experiment. Not that I think Wim deserves any blame whatsoever for the present situation. No coach can get T&T to the World Cup while ignoring its best players. We are too small a nation and just don't have enough talent in reserve in my opinion.

9. Lets just say you were the TTFF head-man. Who would you hire to work for your administration, including coaches.
A: I would bring Russell Latapy home to coach and probably team him with the likes of Stuart Charles, Jamaal Shabazz and Gally Cummings who would help him improve and offer experience rather than undermine him. Not that I can guarantee he will be a success! But he deserves a chance sooner or later. I must reiterate that I do not think our main problem is the person who selects the team.

10. As I understand you were at the 2006 world cup in support of T&T even after being blacklisted at first you eventually got the green-light to cover T&T games. What was the experience like for you. And how did you manage to beat the blacklist.
A: I was encouraged by Andrew Jennings to press FIFA to explain the blacklist and I am grateful. I always expected to suffer repercussions for my story and initially accepted it as my fate. So that was a lesson that you should continue to fight to the last. FIFA allowed me to receive accreditation directly from them although I think the support from several international journalists also helped apply pressure on them.
The atmosphere in Germany was terrific. T&T's matches apart, the only game I saw live that really really impressed me was Brazil v France in the quarters.

11. Where do you see yourself in the near future. What are your plans.
A: I will just continue to work hard and look out for the opportunities to write and improve my writing. I am a freelancer though and will not commit to a job unless I think it is right for me.

12. Are you heading to South Korea to cover our U-17 team games in August.
A: I doubt it. I do not think I have covered enough of their games and do not have a good enough knowledge of the squad. I will do my best if asked but do not think I should be first choice for that assignment.

13. Most of, if not all of the fans on the Soca Warriors Online seems to like you as a writer. Care to touch on this. And what are your thoughts on the Soca Warriors Online and the Warrior Nation.
A: I always try to be as balanced as possible in my work so as to give ammunition for debate. I think that healthy discussion is the first step towards change and am always flattered when the Warriors Online take the work and take it to another level by adding their voices and ideas to the story. I do care about T&T football and it is refreshing to know that I am not alone.

14. Tell us a bit about your past. Like the schools you went to, who you support for Inter-Col, your hubbies, favorite food, your favorite place you go to lime, have you ever played any sport, etc.
A: I am from Arima. I did O's at CIC and then went to my hometown school, Arima Senior Comp, for A' Levels. I played youth team football for CIC and was on the Arima first team. Also played East Zone for Arima Utd and Mausica Utd and North Zone for Malvern before my work started to become too much. Also played table tennis at national level as a junior.
I have no special liming spot and will go wherever my girlfriend or pardners feel is happening on any given evening or night. I like to experiment with food so I can't give you a favourite dish.

15. You were once based in England. What ever happened what that gig.
A: It was as I expected. A great adventure and learning experience. I always planned to return home and I did. I won't go abroad for so long again once I have a choice. But my knowledge of the sport and my writing improved in Britain and I won't forget that. The passion of the British football culture also has to be seen to be believed.

16. Do you think there was a mis-understanding between the blacklisted players and the TTFF. What's your thoughts on the current impasse.
A: Clearly there must have been a misunderstanding if you play in such a high profile competition and bring so much pride to your region and then get a cheque for roughly TT$5,000 each from your employer! That is like saying there is a misunderstanding between a husband and his cheating wife... she did not know he would be home so early! Lol.
I do not think the impasse is very difficult to solve. The T&TFF need only produce original contracts from the various sponsors and financial partners and then carve up the cash. It is hypocritical for someone to benefit financially from a situation and then demand that everyone else in the venture should be satisfied with "thank yous".
I still honestly believe that common sense will prevail over egos in the end. The players deserve what was agreed upon. Nothing more, nothing less. As a journalist, I always try to stand on the side of justice.

17. Can we expect everyday sport-reports from you in the T&T Express rather than once a week columns.
A: As a freelancer, I do not think it suits either myself or the Express for me to write that regularly! I try to write as often as possible although many of my stories are too mundane for your site. My last piece was on Dragon Boat racing!

18. Your favorite T&T player/s of all times.
A: I have so much respect for Dwight Yorke and what he accomplished for himself and his country. But I admit that Russell Latapy is the guy I would go to see play first. My all-time favourite list would definitely have Marvin Faustin, Brian Williams, Dexter Francis and David Nakhid on it too while I think Stern John isn't afforded enough respect for being the country's most profilic scorer of all-time and that fantastic double against Mexico. I have never seen the likes of Warren Archibald, Steve David, Gally Cummings, Jan Steadman, Leroy Spann and Leroy De Leon and, from all accounts, that is a huge loss on my part.

Thank You...
Lasana Liburd.

On behalf of the Soca Warriors Online & Warrior Nation I just what to say Thank You to Mr. Lasana Liburd for taking the time to do this interview for us. Please keep up the great work you are doing and we wish you all the best in the future.
