
Fri, Jun

The Easter weekend is a time when families come together for fun and some form of recreation, today was no different in the Carenage community as residents of the area came out for the third annual Angus Eve football academy sports day at the Carenage recreation ground.
In a community which has been making the news for the wrong reasons in recent times because of crime residents today came out in their numbers for an event that sought to unify rather than divide.

The sports day is the brain child of Carenage born and grown former national footballer Angus Eve who holds the record for most caps by a Trinidad and Tobago footballer.

Eve said the event is all about putting differences a side for a day and looking towards a better future.

Eve said to prevent anything going wrong they collaborate with the police as well as no alcohol is allowed on the grounds.

The former national midfielder adds he believes former national athletes have a big role to play in uniting their communities as well the government.

The event began with a march past that was won by Mt. Pleasant divas who gladly put on a display to show our cameras what won them the title.

And Latoya John one of the team representatives told us is took them mere weeks to prepare for their victory.

Young and old came out in their numbers to the event to support or take part and showed their ability on the field.

Meanwhile residents of the area were pleased with the event and what it's trying to do with teacher Harold Telesford high in praise for it's ability to unite while another resident Avarnell Hector John said it's a start that will go beyond the sporting field.