
Sun, Jul


The following is to confirm that Wim Rijsbergen has accepted the post of head coach of the Trinidad and Tobago Senior Team following meetings with now former head coach Leo Beenhakker, TTFF Special Advisor Jack Warner and General Secretary Richard Groden.

Rijsbergen, who served as assistant to Beenhakker during his tenure here, will take up the position as head coach of the team for the next four years with immediate effect and will have Anton Corneal and Dutchman Jan Van Deinsen as his assistants based on his request to which they have already agreed.

It is worthy to note that Beenhakker has accepted the position as head coach of the Poland National Team but has also agreed to be available as a technical advisor to the “Soca Warriors” during this period and  will attend its matches and tournament on a “need to do basis”.

The Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation remains highly appreciative towards Mr Beenhakker for his services towards the uplifting of the country’s football and for his guiding of the team to the 2006 World Cup Finals in Germany. We also wish him the very best in his new role with the Polish FA.


Two meetings were held with Coach Leo Beenhakker – one in Rotenburg on June 19, 2006 and the other in Munich on July 4, 2006.
Two meetings were also held with Coach Wim Rijsbergen, both in Berlin, on July 7, 2006.
Present at all of the meetings mentioned above was Richard Groden, General Secretary of the T&TFF.

There were extensive discussions and by the end, the following decisions were arrived at:
1. Leo Beenhakker
a. Leo Beenhakker will accept the position of Head Coach of the Polish National Team for a period of two years in  the first instance, effective from Tuesday July 11, 2006
b. During this period he will be available to work with Team Trinidad and Tobago as Technical Advisor and attend its matches and tournaments on a “need to do so basis.”
c.  Following 2008, Leo and the T&TFF will review his position relative to
(i)  a continuation of the present arrangement; or
(ii) a new contract relative to his full time and/or other services

It is informative to note that Leo did not accept several top offers which were made to him including the offer of Head Coach of the Australia Soccer Federation.

2. Wim Rijsbergen
a. Wim Rijsbergen, the former Assistant to Leo Beenhakker in Trinidad and Tobago has agreed to accept the offer of Head Coach of Team Trinidad and Tobago for a period of four years, with immediate effect.
b. He has asked to be assisted by Anton Corneal and Dutchman Jan Van Deinsen, both of whom he has already held discussions and obtained their acceptance.
c. He is to evaluate the work of the staff which worked with the Soca Warriors to determine whose services he shall need.  Notwithstanding this, he did inform that he needs Joseph Sam Phillip to play an effective role in the management of the National Senior Team.
d. Relative to Trinidad and Tobago’s technical development, Wim made several proposals which were accepted by Richard Groden and me on behalf of the TTFF.  The proposals are as follows:
(i)   Anton Corneal to be the Head Coach of Youth Development as well as to assist him in the coaching of the First Team
(ii)  Dutch Coach, Jan Deinsen to work with all the National Youth Teams as well as to assist in the coaching of the First Team.
(iii) After evaluation and by mutual agreement to use the majority of the members of the present technical staff of the Soca Warriors.
(iv)  The role of the Technical Director, Lincoln Phillips, to be confined to the development of coaches and goal keepers using his knowledge in these areas.  In this regard, the entire Technical Department of the T&TFF is to be reviewed as a matter of urgency.
(v)   The Head Coach will be involved specifically in coaching a team for the Olympics as well as for World Cup 2010. He will also supervise the coaching of all National Teams.
(vi)  After holding discussions with Russell Latapy and Dwight Yorke, the Head Coach will find the best way to use their knowledge as role models for the youth and for the future of Trinidad and Tobago football in the following areas:
Training camps
Training sessions
Any other
(vii) Immediately, the Head Coach will be developing a programme, in conjunction with others, for every Youth Team, as it relates to:

3. Tentative Plan 2006 - 2010

July 22 – 25, 2006
1. Meetings of Leo and Wim with -
(i)  T&TFF, Jack Warner and T&TFF Technical and Managerial Staff
(ii) The Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs
2. Evaluation of the World Cup effort with players and officials who are present in T&T.
3. Creating a new staff for 2006 – 2010
4. Putting a team together for this country’s first international match in August.

September 2, 2006 – Friendly match
September 6, 2006 – FIFA Date: 2nd International Match / Start preparation for the CONCACAF Gold Cup Tournament
October 7 – 11: Official matches
November 15, 2006 – Friendly match

2007 – Games Qualification
Planning camps
Training / games
Players’ availability

Matches requested on the under-mentioned FIFA dates:
7 February – Friendly match
24-28 March – Official matches
2-6 June – Official matches
July – Gold Cup Tournament
22 August – Friendly match
8-12 September – Official matches
13-17 October – Official matches
17-21 November – Official matches

For the above-mentioned dates, teams must be sourced by mutual agreement.  Dates must also be found for organizing camps both home and abroad.

December 2007 – Draw for World Cup 2010.

Schedule of matches required for 2008
6 February – Friendly match
26 March – Friendly match
20 August – Friendly match
6-10 September – Official matches
11-15 October – Official matches
19 November – Friendly match

2009 to 2010
Details to be determined.

The remuneration for Leo and the staff as well as a budget for the period under review shall form the basis of a separate document.