
Tue, Jul

Football cannot be based upon mathematical equations, so Costa Rica’s 3-1 victory over the United States cannot be compared with the defeat of T&T by the Americans in early April.
These teams will understand that every match brings with it very serious analysis of their own performance, followed by their strategy to offset any penetrative attacks which may come from their opponents.

The enormous tension which existed over the past few weeks for T&T’s Soca Warriors may have been reduced somewhat after they were able to view the Costa Ricans in their match against the USA.

It makes a significant difference to the coaching staff and the players when they are able to get an opportunity to see the most recent performance by the Costa Ricans within 72 hours of their match in Tobago. A picture is worth a thousand words and every picture that has been drawn from Wednesday’s match, could be providing some level of mental and tactical readiness to T&T.

Modern technology has been kind to the sporting world and unlike previous eras when you only knew your opponents when you saw them on the field of play, today, you can sit in the comfort of your living room and study carefully all the various patterns of play which succeeded or failed. But more than that, there is now ample time to sit and discuss the kind of game needed to defeat your opponent. Coach Russell Latapy has mentioned that he is happy with the preparation, physically and mentally, with a regret that he would have preferred to have the overseas players for a longer period. Fifa rules do not permit that and every country must adhere to this directive, regardless of the circumstances. It has also been noted by the little magician that the Pro League coaches have supported well with the release of their players.

In my opinion, the most important ingredient in the preparatory process will be getting the players to gel as a team; with full understanding of the values of collective effort, players working for each other and demonstrating the commitment which brings ultimate success. Judging from the names of the players selected, it would seem that the emphasis will be placed on the experience of the senior players, with the odd local player filling the gaps which may appear to be lacking in the special quality that he may possess. There will be some very challenging decisions which only the most recent practice sessions will provide the answers for the technical staff. For instance, will Marvin Andrews, the stalwart central defender of the past few years, be match ready for a game of this magnitude, without any recent friendly or competitive opponents to recondition his mind and body for the reality of World Cup activity?

Tough Decisions
If this is the thinking of the bosses, then they will have to take a bold decision to omit both Keyeno Thomas and Makan Hislop, the former being the most consistent and organised defender in recent matches. Wing defenders have been creating many problems for the team, whereby our opponents have enjoyed the vulnerability caused by mistakes on the flanks. Looking at the selected names, one may guess that either Silvio Spann or Carlos Edwards may be asked to play on the right defense while the late call for Avery John indicates that he is destined to hold his place on the left.

Honestly, I humbly believe that Cyd Gray, who was not called to duty for this match, would certainly have been an automatic for the right wing back position. He is experienced, consistent, and gives 100 per cent at all times, features which we have not seen in the other contenders. There must be a certain degree of trust in the selection process, simply because the coach has been working with these players daily, getting a feel of their attitudes, their physical fitness levels, their understanding of what he wants to do, and most importantly, the extent of their commitment.

Realistic decisions have to be the order of the day, yesterday’s top performer does not necessarily have to be today’s superstar. The ability of players change from time to time and only the truly great players seem capable of holding their consistency for a long time. Desire and determination must take precedence over fear of the opponents, and only an orchestrated plan will see us past this hurdle. For the country, it’s a new beginning with which the fans seem contented. They must now play their part in the victory hunt. Losing must not be an option. All the negatives must be railroaded by good strategy and dedicated performance. Good luck T&T. The country’s sporting image needs this victory.