
Mon, Jul


Call them the "Trinidad & Tobago Soca Warriors".

A deal has been struck between the Government and the island's football administrators to officially rename all national sports teams the "Soca Warriors".

"Every national team that leaves this country, whether it is basketball, football or cricket, can use the name Soca Warriors," said T&T Football Federation special adviser Jack Warner.

This followed a meeting between Warner, who is also a FIFA vice-president and CONCACAF president, and Minister of Sport Gary Hunt.

The first team to benefit from the scheme will be the national cricket team, which takes part in the Twenty20 Champions League in India in October.

Permission to use the name Soca Warriors for the national cricket team came after a request was made by T&T Cricket Board president Deryck Murray.

Warner noted that the name Soca Warriors was patented and solely given to the country's football teams.

But he and Hunt have devised a scheme under which they will look at all the legal ramifications and try to go around them as the T&TFF have agreed to release hold of the title Soca Warriors to every national team that leaves T&T.