
Fri, Jan


Former Trinidad and Tobago goalkeeper Shaka Hislop will be among a cadre of speakers and coaches for the Manchester United Soccer Camp which is being put on by Dion La Foucade next month.

Hislop, now a top football commentator for ESPN in the US will be among Manchester United coaches Eamon Mulvey and Kevin Ward who will take the youngsters through the basics and advance skills and techniques of the game.

Their presence will also coincide with the staging of a specialised seminar to teach some of the latest training techniques being used by international academies.

The seminar, set for December 12 at the same venue, targets local coaches and ways and means of upgrading the local game.

The camps will be held December 14 to 18 at the St Mary’s College from 9 am - 4 pm daily. A registrations fee of $500 will assure kids (both boys and girls) a certificate, a T shirt and a medal.

The first 100 youngsters will also receive a copy of Dwight Yorke’s book entitled Born To Score.

La Foucade said Yorke, the ex Trinidad and Tobago football captain English Premiership star has endorsed the camp and on Thursday night signed a 100 copies of his book to be distributed to camp participants.