
Fri, Jun

Gone are the days when Trinidad and Tobago’s foreign-based players can just walk into the national team without being seriously challenged by our very own local professionals.

Caledonia AIA/Fire’s Denzil Theobald, Defence Force’s Anton Pierre and W Connection’s Atiba Charles have all made outstanding contributions to this country’s national team in recent times, both in the Digicel Cup and the Concacaf World Cup Qualifiers.

While there have been others who have also made their mark on the international scene, in the likes of Jabloteh’s Angus Eve, Keyeno Thomas, Nigel Pierre, Kerry Baptiste and Duarance Williams, W Connection’s Jose Luis Seabra and Caledonia Fire’s Conrad Smith.

Denzil Theobald, Anton Pierre and Atiba Charles have all come in for high commendation from Trinidad and Tobago’s Technical Director Lincoln ‘Tiger’ Phillips.

Mr. Phillips told ‘’ that these three players have come on leaps and bounds and have made fantastic contributions to the national effort.

“Theobald, Pierre and Charles have all emerged as solid players that can hold their own in the team,” said Phillips.

The ‘Tiger’ as he was known back in his goalkeeping days said Theobald has a fantastic attitude, “he always has a smile on his face even when a foreign player may come in and take his place, he never allowed his head to drop and kept working hard and continued to develop and when he got his opportunity in the game against the USA he grabbed it and not only played a supporting role—but dictated things in the midfield.”

“I assure you he has places to go.”

Speaking about the Defence Force’s Anton Pierre—Mr. Phillips is most impressed by his work ethic and believes the country has not seen the best of Anton Pierre.

“He is now an important part of our defence and he is now growing in confidence with every game and soon he will start displaying his ability by putting the ball on the ground and start spreading it around and creating plays for our midfielders.”

As for W Connection’s Atiba Charles—Lincoln Phillips described him as a real student of the game, saying he is also a very hard worker and he has a big future ahead of him.

“Atiba will soon emerge as one of the country’s top defenders, he has a tremendous amount of natural ability and once he continues to develop, the sky is the limit.”

The ‘Tiger’ concluded by praising the T&T Pro League for its role in developing our young footballers and encouraged the league to continue to work hard at its objectives.