
Sat, Feb


Oliver Camps and Jack Warner to do battle.Regarding the TTFF vs the 2006 WC players court case today where the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF) and 16 (now 13) of their 2006 World Cup players wrangle over commercial revenue earned from the "Soca Warriors" historic qualification for the FIFA showcase tournament.

A close source to the Soca Warriors Online (SWO) revealed today: "Basically, TTFF President Oliver Camps and his lawyers dropped the bomb on Member of Parliament for Chaguanas West, former FIFA vice-President and Minister of Works and Infrastructure, Mr. Jack Warner.

Apparently, Camps has had 2 nervous breakdowns since he received the contempt of court notice. The lawyers explained that Camps can't be concealing any evidence as it's Jack Warner who has everything and Camps has supplied all he has access to.

They agreed to make another interim payment of around TT$1.8 million plus 5 years of interest at 6% p.a. on both interim payments. They basically said this figure was based on the documents they have, which are not complete due to the witholding of information by Jack Warner.

This infers there are further payments that will be due once the Rio Claro-born Jack Warner supplies correct information. Warner will now be served with papers to attend court in two weeks time and will be added as a defendant to the case.

Basically, everyone in the courtroom today was there to see Jack Warner appeared as a witness. Surprisingly, the English barrister for TTFF, William McCormack SC was there which indicates how serious President Oliver Camps is taking this matter, Camps also had several family members supporting him, who looked very weak.

The source further stated that: "the blame has been squarely placed at Warner's feet and he will be served papers by Friday which should be interesting to see his reaction."

Camps contempt issue has been held over pending the outcome of Warner's cross examination and evidence.

Before the 2006 FIFA World Cup, Warner, as special advisor to TTFF, brokered a deal between the Federation and the players on Trinidad and Tobago's 2006 World Cup team to share the proceeds from their participation in the World Cup.

After the tournament the Federation declared revenue of TT$18.25 million, costs of TT$17.9 million and offered the players a split of TT$5,644.08 per player. The players rejected this figure, disputing the Federation's numbers.

Warner criticized the players for refusing to accept the TTFF's unaudited statement, saying “What Trinidad is suffering from is from a situation whereby 16 or 18 players are holding a country and a federation to ransom because of greed.”

Under the former Trinidad and Tobago PNM government, who revealed that the Federation received in excess of TT$173 million for their part in the tournament in Germany.

TTFF proposed that the bonus dispute be heard before the UK Sports Dispute Resolution Panel, which the players agreed to.

Arbitrator Ian Mill QC heard the case and ruled that Warner had “the authority of the TTFA to commit it to financial transactions" and that the players were entitled to 50 per cent of the FIFA World Cup participation money and the commercial revenues gained from Trinidad and Tobago's qualification, as well as half the net income from World Cup warm-up matches.

The players are being represented by Michael Townley.

Stay tuned for More updates.