
Sun, Jul

Technical Director of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation, Lincoln Phillips, is welcoming the interest shown by former National captain Russell Latapy in coaching at a local and national level.

In light of Latapy’s recent statement, Phillips is also calling for other past nationals to come forward and get involved and he has already received positive feedback from some including former national midfielder Leroy De Leon.

Phillips pointed out though that in the midst of the current 2006 World Cup Qualifying campaign, the recent “Latapy vs Nakhid” episode was inappropriate.

“Our focus is wrong across the board in the midst of the World cup campaign with the arguments about who to bring in and who to fire and should be picked to play,” Phillips told TTFF Media.

“As it is now, our team that played against the United States last month should be the main focus because it is one that has showed huge potential after coming out of a lot of trial and error over the past few months. We have seen players emerge who can now represent us well at the level of a World Cup,” Phillips said emphatically.

In a conversation with TTFF Media on the weekend, Latapy stated that he could not return to duty for the country as a player but preferred to take on a more substantial role.

“To say the truth, I could probably say that there’s no person who has been a player for the country that wants to see the team qualify for a World Cup more than I do,” Latapy said. “I gave very strong thought about the call to return as a player but with all things considered, I really would prefer to take on a different role when it comes to the football in Trinidad and Tobago again.”

And Phillips commended Latapy for thinking along the lines of being a coach.

”As technical director I am delighted to hear someone like Latapy saying that he wants to come back and make a contribution. It’s good that he wants to coach because we want toget back the likes of Hislop, Brian Haynes, David Nakhid, Leroy De Leon, Richard Chinapoo, Steve David and others who have been outstanding men in our football. And to have the local guys like Brian Williams, Angus Eve and Anton Corneal is already a plus,” Phillips said.

“I remember looking up to Hugh Sealy when I was a kid and wanting to be like him. He was the ‘Black Panther’ back then and when I got into the Maple team I got that same name and went on to do pretty well as a player. I always had a Joey Gonsalves or a ‘Pa’ Aleong to get advice from and  I think that’s the same kind of impact someone like a Latapy or  a De Leon can have now.

“And as a country we have to do something to create opportunities for these outstanding people to come back and share with our upcoming ones. The is new direction that the TTFF is heading in with one of the main responsibilities being the development  of quality coaches,” ended Phillips who recently started conducting “D” License Coaching courses and will continue throughout this year at different levels.