
Fri, Jun


LAST year’s Coca Cola Intercol champions, St Anthony’s College will fly the red, white and black at the forthcoming 2012 Copa Coca- Cola tournament, which kicks off in Colombia on October 18 - 21.

The “Tigers” will represent this country in a tournament against teams from several Central American and Caribbean nations. Travel arrangements for the team have been sponsored by COPA Airlines.

The five-day trip will afford the young men a chance to play with some of the most outstanding players of the region.

The 2011 champions will fly to Bogota, Colombia, for the Copa Coca-Cola on October 18 and return on October 22, having completed the tournament. Copa Coca-Cola originated in Mexico in 1998, and soon spread to invite teams across the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. It is used to foster youth interest in the sport, while allowing players to meet and interact with peers from other parts of the globe.

Modelled closely after the professional sport, the matches are players according to FIFA regulations and on official sized fields.

It is well known that scouts from professional teams often attend the games to observe the young talent. Since its inception, the Copa Coca-Cola has touched the lives of more than 600,000 students, including an increasing number of girls. Participation is always free to the teams.

Roberto Lapeira, Brand Franchise Manager at the Coca-Cola Company boasted of the company’s commitment to the world’s game, “The Coca-Cola Company has always been a proud supporter of football all over the world. Football seems to run in the veins of each ‘Tiger’ so we have high hopes for them.

The young men are very excited to be a part of the tournament and we wish them the best of luck in the 2012 Copa Coca-Cola.” For more information on the Copa Coca-Cola, please visit

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