
Wed, Jul


Former FIFA and Concacaf referee’s instructor Desmond Downer has questioned the Secondary School Football League (SSFL) for its decision to replay only the final ten minutes of the Coca-Cola South Zone InterCol final between Shiva Boys’ Hindu College and Presentation College of San Fernando, after it was abandoned on Monday.

The match was called off after an altercation between assistant match referee Kevin Charles and a spectator, with Presentation leading 2-1. Following a meeting with executive members of the SSFL yesterday, it was decided to complete the last ten minutes behind closed doors.
Downer, third vice-president of the T&T Football Referees Association (TTRFA), said yesterday that the Fifa regulations, which the league encompasses, states that the match should be replayed, not restarted.
Downer cited Law 7 of the Fifa “Laws of the Game,” which states: “An abandoned match is replayed unless the competition rules provide otherwise.” The SSFL rules, however, do not specify whether an abandoned match should be replayed or continued, neither does the constitution, according to one senior league executive, Gerald Elliot.
Contacted, Ewing Davis, SSFL president, chastised the actions of the unruly spectator but offered neither agreement nor disagreement with the former top official, saying he would prefer to have a personal discussion with Downer before making any further statements.
Davis added that the match “technically was not abandoned,” and should be continued rather than restarted. He implied that the officials deemed that the match was unable to be completed but ought to be continued at a later date.
“The SSFL does not condone violence between schoolchildren, and it is unfortunate that it (the assault) occurred, but we will be having discussions to ensure that incidents such as those do not reoccur,” said David.
Although the incident resulted in clashes between police and students, it stemmed from the attack on the official from a man who appeared to be in his 30s. When asked whether such incidents would affect the number of willing referees at SSFL matches, Davis replied, “I would not want to believe so. I think if that’s the case, T&T would be setting a bad precedent.”

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