
Fri, Jul

President of the Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL) Ewing Davis, will head a five-member executive team which flies off to Tobago today for an emergency meeting with officials of the Tobago zone of the SSFL.

The zone was scheduled to kick off its season with two matches at the Dwight Yorke Stadium, Bacolet, yesterday, but no one could say why none of the matches took place.

Contacted yesterday, Azaad Mohammed-Khan, general secretary of the SSFL said that the trip to Tobago was for the executive to discuss matters with the Tobago officials.

Apart from Davis and Khan, Anthony Creed (1st vice-president), William Wallace (2nd vice-president) and Lawrence Seepersad (assistant general secretary), will also attend.

The Tobago Football Association and Referees Association said they had no information as to when the league will start.

Apart from Scarborough Secondary, none of the other four teams have registered for the competition.

Khan confirmed that only Scarborough Secondary had registered players for the season while Signal Hill, Elizabeth’s College, Roxborough Composite and Bishop’s failed to meet the registration deadline.

Khan added that the Tobago executive was not functioning at 100 per cent. “The meeting is to make sure that things work well for the sake of school football.”

All five schools involved in the Championship have been invited to the meeting which will be held at the Ministry of Education Office, Milford Road, Tobago.

The zone’s chairperson Pearl AImond-George, and assistant, Handell Dillon will also be present.

Khan said if the other teams were not in a position to play, Scarborough would be declared the zone’s top team.

With pressure expected to be coming from the league sponsors, Davis and his executive would be keen to resolve the problems surrounding the Tobago arm of the SSFL.

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