
Fri, Feb


No coach Shawn Coop­er, no prob­lem. This as Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege of San Fer­nan­do led by a brace from Jaiye Shep­pard con­tin­ued the team's de­fence of its Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League Pre­mier Di­vi­sion crown with a 5-0 ham­mer­ing of Va­len­cia Sec­ondary at Union Hall, San Fer­nan­do, on Wednes­day.

With head coach Shawn Coop­er away on na­tion­al du­ty with the T&T women’s team at the CON­CA­CAF Cham­pi­onship in the USA, all eyes were on Pre­sen­ta­tion to see how the de­fend­ing cham­pi­on would re­spond un­der the su­per­vi­sion of as­sis­tant coach Dun­ston Williams.

And at the half-time in­ter­val, it was steady progress as Pre­sen­ta­tion led 1-0 thanks to a strike from Justin Corn­wall in the 38th minute. How­ev­er, with­in four min­utes of the restart, it was all over as a con­test with Shep­pard scor­ing in the 47th and 49th min­utes to put the hosts 3-0 ahead.

Va­len­cia then pressed the self-de­struct but­ton with Kee­gan Faria (62nd), Dwight Yorke (64th) and Zi­dan Liv­er­pool (67th) all shown straight red cards by ref­er­ee Clevon Joseph, to re­duce their team to eight play­ers. Faria was shown a red for a dan­ger­ous tack­le while Yorke and Liv­er­pool were for dis­sent.

To add to the vis­i­tor's mis­ery, Jardel St Clair and Sha­keem Julien then added to Pre­sen­ta­tion's tal­ly in the 68th and 81st min­utes re­spec­tive­ly to se­cure their biggest win of the cam­paign so far this sea­son, and record the school's sixth vic­to­ry on-a-trot for max­i­mum 18 points, two ahead of bit­ter neigh­bour and for­mer two-time cham­pi­on, Na­pari­ma Col­lege.

The trio of Tyrike An­drews, Isa Bram­ble and Jeron Pan­tor scored a goal each to see Na­pari­ma past Bish­op's High School at Lewis Street, San Fer­nan­do.

Up at San Juan North Sec­ondary ground, Bourg Mu­la­tresse, Jer­ry Mor­ris filled in for the sus­pend­ed pair of Ronal­do Boyce and Tyrell Cameron with a pair of goals in a 3-2 tri­umph over Cara­pichaima East, to move in­to sole pos­ses­sion of the third spot with 15 points and a match in hand on the top two.

Isa­iah Chase added the valu­able third item for San Juan North while Mick­el Alexan­der and Josi­ah King got a goal each in the loss for Cara­pichaima East, which dropped to the sixth spot with nine points, two be­hind St An­tho­ny's Col­lege and Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka.

Down at St An­tho­ny's Ground, West­moor­ings, Kiron Man­swell and cap­tain Haile Beck­les net­ted first-half items.

Else­where, in an­oth­er North Zone der­by, East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary got a 93rd minute win­ner from Ki­danie Lewis to edge past Fa­ti­ma Col­lege 3-2 at Fa­ti­ma Col­lege Ground, Mu­cu­rapo for its first win, while down at Guaracara Park, Pointe-a-Pierre St Bene­dict’s Col­lege, al­so won for the first time this sea­son, 1-0 against St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary.

The match be­tween Trin­i­ty Mo­ka and Queen's Roy­al Col­lege (QRC) at Mar­aval was post­poned due to a wa­ter­logged field.

Yes­ter­day's SS­FL Re­sults

East Mu­cu­rapo 3 (Ja­heim Aguil­le­ria o.g 1st, Zion Mc Leod 16th, Ki­danie Lewis 93rd) vs Fa­ti­ma 2 (Mikhail Mc Comie 5th, Luke Dar­went 37th)

Na­pari­ma Col­lege 3 (Tyrike An­drews, Isa Bram­ble, Jeron Pan­tor) vs Bish­op’s High 0

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege (Jaiye Shep­pard 47th, 49th, Justin Corn­wall 38th, Jardel St Clair 68th, Sha­keem Julien 81st) vs Va­len­cia Sec­ondary 0

San Juan North Sec­ondary 3 (Isaiah Chase 19th, Jerry Morris 45th, 62nd) vs Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary 2 (Luke Charles 41st, Mecaheil Alexander 65th)

St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege 2 (Kiron Man­swell 17th, Haile Beck­les 31st) vs St Mary’s Col­lege 0

St Bene­dict’s Col­lege 1 (Jaycee Paras) vs St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary 0

2018 SSFL Premier Division
Lasana Liburd  Thursday 13 September 2018    Comments Off on 2018 SSFL Premier Division

2018 SSFL Premier Division Standings

Pos  Club   P   W   D   L   F   A   GD   Pts
1  Presentation  6   6   0   0   16   3   13   18
2  Naparima  6   5   1   0   14   3   11   16
3  San Juan  5   4   1   0   12   5   7   13
4  St Anthony's  5   3   1   1   9   5   4   10
5  Trinity Moka  5   3   1   1   9   8   1   10
6  Carapichaima  5   3   0   2   13   13   0   9
7  QRC  5   2   1   2   8   6   2   7
8  St Augustine  6   2   1   3   11   12   -1   7
9  Trinity East  5   1   3   1   3   3   0   6
10  Mucurapo  5   1   2   2   7   8   -1   5
11  St Benedict's  5   1   2   2   4   7   -3   5
12  St Mary's  6   1   1   4   7   12   -5   4
13  Valencia  6   1   0   5   7   17   -10   3
14  Fatima  6   0   1   5   6   13   -7   1
15  Bishop's Tobago  6   0   1   5   8   19   -11   1


Pres Sando blank Valencia in SSFL.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

PRESENTATION San Fernando continued their 100 per cent record in the Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL) Premier Division yesterday with a 5-0 whipping of Valencia at Union Hall, Marabella, in a Round Six fixture.

Presentation, the 2017 champs, have 18 points, two more than Naparima, who cruised past cellar-placed Bishop’s High 3-0 at Lewis Street, San Fernando.

The goal-getters for Naparima were Tyrike Andrews (14th minute), Isa Bramble (49th minute) and Jeron Pantor (56th minute penalty).

Like Presentation, San Juan are yet to lose a game this season. They remained in third spot after defeating Carapichaima East 3-2 at San Juan.

St Anthony’s moved up three places to fourth after defeating the struggling St Mary’s 2-0 at Westmoorings.

East Mucurapo and St Benedict’s registered their first victories of the 2018 season. East Mucurapo edged neighbours Fatima 3-2 at the Fatima Ground and St Benedict’s got a narrow 1-0 win over St Augustine at Guaracara Park, Pointe-a-Pierre.

A soggy outfield at Maraval forced the abandonment of the game between Trinity Moka and QRC.

Matches in Round Seven will be contested on Saturday.