
Sat, Feb


The Secondary Schools League wishes to advise that a decision has been reached by the Disciplinary Committee in the matter involving three  Arima North Secondary players.

Based on the regulations of the Credentials Committee, the players are considered as transfer repeaters and therefore cannot represent your school in the Secondary Schools League competition.

They may have been placed in Form 4 but the Committee ruled that they wrote the CSEC examinations in Form 5 and therefore must have the two (2) CSEC passes to be eligible to play. Rule 13 of the Credential Committee states “Where these rules are silent, the Committee, at its absolute discretion shall rule.”

All games in which the three players played will be awarded to the opposing team i.e. Three (3) points as well as a 3-0 result.

11/9/18 Arima North vs El Dorado East, the original result was 4-0 Arima. New Result, 3-0 in favour of El Dorado
14/9/18 Malabar Sec vs Arima North, the original result was 5-0 in favour of Arima. New Result 3-0 in favour of Malabar
18/9/18 Arima North vs Holy Cross, original result was 3-. New result 3-0 in favour of Holy Cross.
21/9/18 S/Grande Sec vs Arima North. Original result 8-0 in favour of Arima. New result 3-0 in favour of Sangre Grande.
25/9/18 Arima North vs El Dorado West. Original Result 3-0 in favour of Arima. New result 3-0 in favour of El Dorado West.

Arima North has the right to Appeal and that “Any appeal concerning a decision of Disciplinary Committee must be made in writing within Seventy two hours of receipt of this email to the Appeals Committee. Pending the hearing of such an Appeal, the decision stands.

Revised Championship East Zone Points Standings
Holy Cross College, played 8, 19pts
Malabar Secondary played 8, 14pts
El Dorado East,played 7,13 pts
El Dorado West, played 7, 10 pts
Sanger Grande Sec, played 7, 4 its
Arima North, played 7, 0 pts