
Fri, Feb


With lead­ers and de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons, Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege of San Fer­nan­do on a bye to­day, San Juan North Sec­ondary has a chance to play for a share of the lead or even go top via goal-dif­fer­ence when Round Ten match­es in the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League Pre­mier Di­vi­sion takes place from 3.40 pm to­day.

The Shawn Coop­er-coached Pre­sen­ta­tion­al Col­lege, hop­ing to be­come on­ly the sec­ond team to win the ti­tle two sea­sons on the trot af­ter south­ern ri­vals Na­pari­ma Col­lege in 2016 and 2017, cur­rent­ly leads the 15-team ta­ble with 25 points from nine match­es while San Jan North is sec­ond with 22 points and a match in hand fol­lowed by Na­pari­ma with 21 in the three-team ti­tle quest. Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary is a dis­tant fourth with 13 points ahead of St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege, Trin­i­ty Col­lege East and Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka, all with 11 from eighth, sev­en and eight match­es re­spec­tive­ly.

To­day, the Jer­ry Moe-coached San Juan North, win­ners of four straight match­es and one of three un­beat­en teams so far this sea­son, will face a tricky clash at its San Juan North Sec­ondary Ground, Bourg Mu­la­tresse ver­sus Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege.

The Roy­alians, un­der the care of for­mer St An­tho­ny's long-serv­ing coach Nigel ‘Grovey’ Grosvenor and for­mer na­tion­al cap­tain Ken­wyne Jones, have been an in­con­sis­tent bunch this sea­son but will go in­to the en­counter un­de­feat­ed in their last three match­es, in­clu­sive of a 1-1 draw with Pre­sen­ta­tion.

At Lewis Street, San Fer­nan­do, Na­pari­ma will be hop­ing to get back to win­ning ways and close the gap on Pre­sen­ta­tion as well when it en­ter­tains low­ly Va­len­cia Sec­ondary

In some key mid-ta­ble match-ups, St An­tho­ny’s is at home to Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka; Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary trav­els to Fa­ti­ma Col­lege; Bish­op’s High wel­comes Trin­i­ty Col­lege East; St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary hosts St Mary’s Col­lege and St Bene­dict’s Col­lege and East Mu­cu­rapo face off at Guaracara­Park, Pointe-a-Pierre.

To­day's Match­es (kick off at 3.40 pm)

Bish­op’s High vs Trin­i­ty Col­lege East, Ply­mouth Recre­ation Ground, To­ba­go

Fa­ti­ma Col­lege vs Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary, Fa­ti­ma Ground, Mu­cu­rapo Road, S James

Na­pari­ma Col­lege vs Va­len­cia Sec­ondary, Lewis Street, San Fer­nan­do

San Juan North Sec­ondary vs Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege, San Juan North Sec­ondary Ground, Bourg Mu­la­tresse, San Juan

St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege vs Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka, St An­tho­ny’s Ground West­moor­ings

St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary vs St Mary’s Col­lege, War­ren Street, St Au­gus­tine

St Bene­dict’s Col­lege vs East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary, Guaracara Park, Pointe-a-Pierre

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege - bye

Lat­est SS­FL Pre­mier Di­vi­sion Stand­ings

1. Pre­sen­ta­tion*9*8*0*0*22*5*25
2. San Juan North*8*7*1*0*18*6*22
3. Na­pari­ma*9*6*3*0*17*5*21
4. St Au­gus­tine*9*4*1*4*17*15*13
5. Cara­pichaima East*8*4*1*3*17*17*13
6. St An­tho­ny’s*7*3*2*2*12*9*11
7. Trin­i­ty East*8*2*5*1*8*6*11
8. Trin­i­ty Mo­ka*7*3*2*2*11*14*11
9. QRC*8*2*4*2*10*8*10
10. S East Mu­cu­rapo*8*2*2*4*11*15*8
11. St Bene­dict’s*7*2*2*3*8*8*8
12. Va­len­cia*8*2*0*6*10*21*6
13. St Mary’s*8*1*2*5*7*13*5
14. Fa­ti­ma*9*1*1*7*7*16*4
15. Bish­op’s High*9*0*1*8*10*27*1