
Fri, Feb


ONLY one match was played yesterday in round 11 of the 2018 Secondary Schools Football League Premier Division, owing to the rain.

All six matches in Trinidad were postponed, including the giant clash between leaders Presentation College, San Fernando and second-placed San Juan North Secondary.

The only match played was between St Benedict's College and Bishop's High School in Tobago. Last-placed Bishop's continued their poor run, as St Benedict's came from behind to win 2-1. Bishop's only have one point for the season and have lost 10 of their 11 matches. With the win, St Benedict's moved from eighth to fifth place in the standings.

It has not been announced when the postponed matches will be played.


St Benedict’s edge Bishop’s for vital win.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Keon Boney and Justin Chu Foo were both on tar­get as St Bene­dict’s Col­lege came from be­hind to beat Bish­op’s High 2-1 to con­tin­ue its climb to­wards safe­ty in the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League Pre­mier Di­vi­sion on Sat­ur­day.

With all the match­es card­ed for Trinidad post­poned due to the in­clement weath­er, all fo­cus was on the lone con­test in To­ba­go with both teams ea­ger to pick up cru­cial points.

Bish­op’s High, yet to get a win this sea­son was first to strike through Do­minique Lyons in the tenth minute. How­ev­er, Boney drew St Bene­dicts lev­el in the 20th to send both teams in at the half-time in­ter­val at 1-1.

The vis­i­tors then grab the even­tu­al match-win­ner in the 59th-minute cour­tesy Chu Foo, for a fourth win in nine match­es this sea­son, to move to 14 points, lev­el with Trin­i­ty Col­lege East and Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka. Mean­while, Bish­op's stayed bot­tom of the ta­ble with one point and head­ed to­wards rel­e­ga­tion back to the To­ba­go Zone in the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion af­ter on­ly one sea­son in the top flight.

Match­es will re­sume on Wednes­day.

Cur­rent SS­FL Pre­mier Di­vi­sion stand­ings:

1. Pre­sen­ta­tion*9*8*1*0*22*5*25
2. San Juan North*9*8*1*0*19*6*25
3. Na­pari­ma*10*6*4*0*18*6*22
4. Trin­i­ty East*9*3*5*1*10*6*14
5. St Bene­dict’s*9*4*2*3*12*9*14
6. Trin­i­ty Mo­ka*8*4*2*2*14*16*14
7. St Au­gus­tine*9*4*1*4*17*15*13
8. Cara­pichaima East*9*4*1*4*18*19*13
9. St An­tho­ny’s*8*3*2*3*14*12*11
10. QRC*9*2*4*3*10*9*10
11. East Mu­cu­rapo*9*2*2*5*11*17*8
12. Va­len­cia*9*2*1*6*11*22*7
13. Fa­ti­ma*10*2*1*7*9*17*7
14. St Mary’s*8*1*2*5*7*13*5
15. Bish­op’s High*11*0*1*10*11*30*1

Up­com­ing match­es

Wednes­day Oc­to­ber 24:

Bish­op’s High vs Va­len­cia Sec­ondary, To­ba­go,
Cara­pichaima East vs St Mary’s Col­lege, Cara­pichi­ma East
East Mu­cu­rapo vs Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka, Fa­ti­ma Ground, Mu­cu­rapo Road
QRC vs St Bene­dict’s Col­lege, QRC Ground, St Clair,
St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege vs Fa­ti­ma Col­lege, St An­tho­ny’s Ground, West­moor­ings
St Au­gus­tine vs San Juan North, St Au­gus­tine Ground, War­ren Street, St Au­gus­tine
Trin­i­ty Col­lege East vs Pre­sen­ta­tion, Trin­i­ty East Ground, Trinci­ty
Na­pari­ma Col­lege - bye