
Fri, Feb


A mouth-wa­ter­ing con­test is ex­pect­ed be­tween Pre­mier Di­vi­sion lead­ers of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL), Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege of San Fer­nan­do and fourth-place Trin­i­ty Col­lege (East) at Hen­ry Street, Arou­ca this af­ter­noon.

On Sat­ur­day, the SS­FL post­poned its pro­gramme be­cause of the in­clement weath­er con­di­tions that ad­verse­ly af­fect­ed the en­tire coun­try.

How­ev­er, to­day the league leader is ex­pect­ing a tough fight from a team that rarely los­es at home.

On­ly last week Pres coach Shawn Coop­er said his troops will not be tak­ing any team for grant­ed, par­tic­u­lar­ly when they are play­ing away. How­ev­er, the T&T se­nior Women's coach will be hop­ing his de­fence re­mains tight and lim­it its er­rors. "Every team will be com­ing to beat Pre­sen­ta­tion, which is why we will be tak­ing each school, one game at a time."

Ac­cord­ing to Coop­er, "Trin­i­ty is al­ways a team to be reck­oned with at home and there­fore we will ap­proach them care­ful­ly, in search of full points game." Trin­i­ty Col­lege has lost on­ly once at home this sea­son, a heart-wrench­ing 0-1 purg­er to San Juan North, but yes­ter­day coach Michael Grayson said his team will be go­ing af­ter full points in an at­tempt to climb the 15-team stand­ings.

"At this point in the sea­son, every game is a big game. There are no easy match­es now as teams are try­ing to ei­ther im­prove their stand­ings, to ei­ther avoid rel­e­ga­tion or en­sure they fin­ish on the up­per part of the ta­ble. We want to go up the stand­ings, so we will be tak­ing each game one step at a time," Grayson said.

Sec­ond place San Juan North Sec­ondary will trav­el to St Au­gus­tine, in its ef­fort as they try to take the lead for the first time this sea­son. Like Pres, the San Juan boys are on 25 points due to an in­fe­ri­or goal dif­fer­ence and would be hop­ing to clob­ber their op­po­nents this af­ter­noon, and hope that Trin­i­ty East can hold off their coun­ter­parts.

Trin­i­ty Mo­ka which is fourth on the stand­ing will jour­ney to Port-of-Spain to face East Mu­cu­rapo at Fa­ti­ma Col­lege, grounds while Queen's Roy­al Col­lege will host St Bene­dict's Col­lege, in des­per­ate pur­suit of vic­to­ry in the team's ef­fort move from its 10th po­si­tion.

Coach Nigel Groves­nor and his pro­tege Ken­wyne Jones be­lieve the team's cur­rent po­si­tion does not re­flect the type of foot­ball be­ing played and will, there­fore, be ea­ger to climb the lad­der with a vic­to­ry to­day. All match­es be­gin at 3:40 pm.

Mean­while, the ac­tion al­so be­gins in the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion Big Five play­off with North Zone win­ners Mal­ick Sec­ondary fac­ing cen­tral champs Ch­agua­nas North at St Mary's Col­lege Ground at 3:30 pm, while at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la, east­ern­ers Holy Cross Col­lege will be up against Pleas­antville Sec­ondary at the same time.


Bish­op's High vs Va­len­cia Sec, To­ba­go
Cara­pichaima East vs St Mary's, Cara­pichaima
East Mu­cu­rapo vs Trin­i­ty Mo­ka, Fa­ti­ma
QRC vs St Bene­dict's, QRC
St An­tho­ny's vs Fa­ti­ma, St An­tho­ny's
St Au­gus­tine vs San Juan North, St Au­gus­tine
Trin­i­ty East vs Pre­sen­ta­tion, Arou­ca