
Sat, Feb


There seems to be no stop­ping Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, on its way for a re­peat of the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) ti­tle which it won last year in the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion.

'Pres' as the team is called, is not a long dis­tance at the top of the 15-team stand­ing, but seem to be steady enough to main­tain their po­si­tion, in spite of chal­lenges from op­po­nents. And to­day this tenac­i­ty will be need­ed when they face their tough­est op­po­nent to date, Na­pari­ma Col­lege at the Lewis Street, San Fer­nan­do.

An­gus Eve's 'Naps' are four points be­hind the lead­ers and a win to­day will re­duce the gap to just one point of the top team.

Yes­ter­day Eve said the ti­tle is vir­tu­al­ly Pre­sen­ta­tion's own to lose this year. "We will be go­ing in­to the game very con­fi­dent this af­ter­noon, but even if we win, Pre­sen­ta­tion will still have the lead, and have a strong op­por­tu­ni­ty to win" Eve ex­plained.

Ac­cord­ing Eve, a for­mer na­tion­al mid­field­er and coach, "It will be a good game against the on­ly two un­beat­en teams in the League, but I think Pre­sen­ta­tion will en­joy the ad­van­tage of hav­ing a bit more ex­pe­ri­ence than us. How­ev­er, we will be con­fi­dent of a good re­sult."

Should Pre­sen­ta­tion win to­day they will be lit­er­al­ly putting one hand on the ti­tle with San Juan, de­spite los­ing two match­es re­cent­ly, will be the on­ly team to pro­vide re­sis­tance against the south­ern­ers (Pres). A Naps' vic­to­ry, on the oth­er hand, will see Eve's men de­pend­ing on the San Juan boys to hold off Pres. All match­es be­gin at 3:40 pm.

Fa­ti­ma Col­lege vs QRC, Fa­ti­ma
Naps vs Pres, Lewis Street
St An­tho­ny's vs San Juan, St An­tho­ny's
St Bene­dict's vs Cara­pichaima, Guaracara Park
St Mary's vs East Mu­cu­rapo, CIC Grds
Trin­i­ty Mo­ka vs St Au­gus­tine, Mo­ka
Trin­i­ty Col­lege East vs Va­len­cia, Trin­i­ty

SOURCE: T&T Guardian