
Wed, Jun


Mal­ick Sec­ondary's School's re-en­try in­to the top-flight Pre­mier Di­vi­sion of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League has cre­at­ed more than a bug in the Mor­vant/Laven­tille com­mu­ni­ty, and among its ex-play­ers.

On Sat­ur­day last, a group of for­mer Mal­ick play­ers such as na­tion­al foot­ball coach Den­nis Lawrence, Arnold Dwari­ka, an mid­field­er/strik­er, Stoke­ly Ma­son, Ker­wyn Jem­mott, Den­sill Theobald, De­von Jorsling and Gary Glas­gow, were among many oth­ers that faced the school's cur­rent team in an ex­hi­bi­tion match at the Mor­vant Recre­ation Ground to pro­vide the school with much-need­ed as­sis­tance ahead of the SS­FL sea­son which will kick off next month.

Lawrence said, "It is fan­tas­tic for the Mor­vant/Laven­tille com­mu­ni­ty be­cause Mal­ick has been a well-known name in sec­ondary school's foot­ball ever since, so it's great to have teams like Mal­ick back in­to the In­ter­Col this year, so hope­ful­ly the boys will en­joy it and they can rep­re­sent well."

Lawrence told Guardian Me­dia Sports that from what he has seen so far, the young play­ers seem to have a good un­der­stand­ing of the game, and al­so have good ethics, and not­ed he hopes they can build on those qual­i­ties.

Dwari­ka, on the oth­er hand, said be­cause of the sit­u­a­tion with the crime in the coun­try, he em­braced the ini­tia­tive to have Mal­ick back in­to the schools league as it will im­pact the com­mu­ni­ty.

Ac­cord­ing to the for­mer Joe Pub­lic and na­tion­al play­er, "From be­ing in the dog house all the time to come up and face the big dogs in school foot­ball, I think is a great achieve­ment, and I hope that they can live up to it."

Dwari­ka re­mind­ed the young play­ers of the chal­lenges they have had as play­ers, say­ing in his time the el­e­ments were al­so there. How­ev­er, al­though he didn't be­lieve they had the best team then, they were still able to win four tro­phies in the schools league, some­thing he hopes the young play­ers can take a page from.

Dwari­ka's on­ly prayer is for his school team to avoid be­ing rel­e­gat­ed an­oth­er time.

"If they play to stay up then every­thing will come easy. There are some nice young youths there in the team, so it's just about show­ing them how to go for­ward. I think they should be a force to be reck­oned with," said Dwari­ka.

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