
Fri, Feb


Mal­ick's un­beat­en run will be test­ed on Wednes­day when the team vis­its Trin­i­ty Col­lege East at Hen­ry Street, Arou­ca in the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL).

Coach An­tho­ny Bartholomew said he be­lieves his charges have played their two eas­i­est match­es of the tour­na­ment to date, and have gained max­i­mum points from them, al­though the mar­gin of vic­to­ry should have been dif­fer­ent.

In the school's open­ing game, Mal­ick de­stroyed Spey­side High 5-0 cour­tesy a hat-trick from in­stru­men­tal strik­er Ma­made Guer­ra. And in their sec­ond match against Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka, Guer­ra was again on tar­get, along with Zion Car­pette to hand them a 2-1 tri­umph away in Mar­aval.

Bartholomew and com­pa­ny, who will be car­ry­ing the hopes of the en­tire Mor­vant/Laven­tille and sur­round­ing ar­eas, will be in for their re­al chal­lenge with Trin­i­ty East mak­ing them­selves a house­hold name in the school's league. "From this match, we will be tak­ing it each game at a time. We will not be tak­ing any team for grant­ed, es­pe­cial­ly the Trin­i­ty boys who have had a win and draw in their last two games. And I know they have some dan­ger­ous play­ers who at­tack down the flanks, so we will have to watch out for this," Bartholomew ex­plained.

The Mal­ick coach said he will be mak­ing a few changes for this en­counter, by bring­ing in cen­tral de­fend­er Shaquan Duke and wing­back Matthew Con­stan­tine to cope with Trin­i­ty's at­tacks, while cap­tain Nathaniel Bar­bour and com­pa­ny, will be charged with the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of mar­shalling the mid­field.

Trin­i­ty man­ag­er Nigel Oja­gir said his team will treat Mal­ick with the ut­most re­spect, be­ing the on­ly team with a 100 record to date. He be­lieves his charges will de­liv­er a to­tal team ef­fort, say­ing his de­fence will be just as im­por­tant as the at­tack if his team is to stop Mal­ick in their third away game for the sea­son.

"Of course we have some play­ers who we ex­pect to stand out, such as wingers Jo­vann Gomes (left side) and Tyrell Wi­ley (right side) and cap­tain Ro­mario Ma­habir. Last year we fin­ished 11th on the stand­ing, so this year we will be aim­ing to do much bet­ter," Oja­gir said.

At St Clair Queen's Roy­al Col­lege will be at home to St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary, known fa­mous­ly as the 'Green Ma­chine.' In the last round of match­es Sat­ur­day, the Roy­alians re­bound­ed from a dis­mal dis­play in their first game that led to a 0-6 loss to East Mu­cu­rapo, by beat­ing Pleas­antville Sec­ondary 4-2 at home.

St Au­gus­tine is yet to record its first win of the sea­son and will be hop­ing to do so on Wednes­day.

At Lewis Street San Fer­nan­do, champs Na­pari­ma Col­lege will be at home to arch-ri­vals St Bene­dict's Col­lege, and both teams will be des­per­ate to im­prove on their win-and-draw re­sults in their first two match­es. All match­es be­gin at 3:30 pm.


Cara­pichaima East vs East Mu­cu­rapo @Cara­pichaima

Trin­i­ty East vs Mal­ick @Hen­ry Street Arou­ca

Spey­side High vs San­Juan North @ Spey­side

QRC vs St Au­gus­tine @ QRC

Na­pari­ma vs St Bene­dict's @ Lewis Street

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege vs St Mary's @ Man­nie Ramjohn

Pleas­antville Sec vs Trin­i­ty Mo­ka @Pleas­antville

Cur­rent SS­FL Pre­mier Di­vi­sion Stand­ings

2. East Mu­cu­rapo*2*1*0*1*8*2*4
3. St An­tho­ny's*2*1*1*0*8*2*4
4. Na­pari­ma*2*1*1*0*5*2*4
5. Trin­i­ty East*2*1*1*0*4*3*4
6. Pre­sen­ta­tion*2*1*0*1*7*2*3
7. St Bene­dict's*2*1*0*1*5*4*3
8. Cara­pichaima East*2*1*0*1*2*1*3
9. Pleas­antville*2*1*0*1*3*4*3
10. QRC*2*1*0*1*4*8*3
11. St Au­gus­tine*2*0*0*2*3*3*2
12. San Juan North*1*0*0*1*0*1*0
13. St Mary's*2*0*0*2*2*7*0
14. Trin­i­ty Mo­ka*2*0*0*2*1*8*0
15. Spey­side High*2*0*0*2*1*12*0

Lead­ing Scor­ers

5 - Akeem Ma­son (St Bene­dict's)

4 - Ma­made Guer­ra (Mal­ick),

3 - Kai Phillip, Kahim Thomas (St An­tho­ny's), Malachi Ce­les­tine (East Mu­cu­rapo), Zion Mc Leod (East Mu­cu­rapo), Ezekiel Ke­sar (Na­pari­ma)

2 - Jean-Heim Mc Fee (St An­tho­ny's), Nathaniel James (QRC), Ja­heim Patrick (East Mu­cu­rapo), Jaiye Shep­pard (Pre­sen­ta­tion), Zion Car­pette (Mal­ick), Omario Ma­habir (Trin­i­ty East), Tyrese Spicer (St Au­gus­tine)

1- Nathaniel Brown, Ronal­do Mullings (QRC), Adriel George (Spey­side), N'Kosi Charles, Aceli­no Med­ford, Dan­taye Gilbert, Sha­keem Coop­er, Jardel Sin­clair (Pre­sen­ta­tion), Ale­mo Samp­son, Dil­lon Year­wood, Sher­win An­drews (Pleas­antville), Isa­iah Bram­ble, Sean Ship­p­ley (Na­pari­ma), Jabari Williams (Mal­ick), Ma­lik Robin­son, Rasean Brit­to (Cara­pichaima East), Ja­heim Ryan, Ab­dul Hy­po­lite (St Mary's), Temes­gn Tez­era (Trin­i­ty Mo­ka), Jirel Mel­oney (St Au­gus­tine), Isa­iah Ed­wards, Je­re­mi­ah Williams (Trin­i­ty East).