
Fri, Feb

Arima, Fatima battling to qualify.

With ei­ther three or four rounds of match­es to go in the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL), no teams are sure of clinch­ing the top spot in their re­spec­tive zones, to qual­i­fy them for a place in the play-off at the end of the sea­son.

The win­ner of each zone will ad­vance to a play-off and the top three will earn pro­mo­tion to the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion of the SS­FL.

The zones will en­ter an­oth­er round of ac­tion this af­ter­noon and in the east zone, Ari­ma North Sec­ondary, known pop­u­lar­ly as the "Di­al Dy­namos" will fan­cy their chances of re­turn­ing to top-flight schools foot­ball with 15 points from five match­es. Ari­ma will be up against El Do­ra­do East, a team they de­feat­ed 4-0 in the first meet­ing be­tween them.

On­ly last Fri­day, the Ari­ma Boys thrashed Mal­abar Sec­ondary 4-0 to main­tain their un­blem­ished record. And foot­ball pun­dits are al­ready pre­dict­ing that once the Arim­i­ans can con­tin­ue win­ning against teams they de­feat­ed in the past, they are cer­tain to en­ter the play-offs.

Mean­while, in the Cen­tral zone Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, out of the pre­mier­ship di­vi­sion for the past few years, are carv­ing their route to the play-offs. 'Pres' are ahead on the stand­ing with nine points from five games, but will have to pin their hopes on some of the oth­er teams pre­vent­ing sec­ond place Ch­agua­nas North from sneak­ing past them. The Ch­agua­nas boys could fan­cy their chances with two games in hand, start­ing this af­ter­noon when the two teams (Ch­agua­nas North and Pres) square off this af­ter­noon at Ch­agua­nas North grounds.



Ch­agua­nas North vs Pres @ Ch­agua­nas North

Preysal Sec vs Cou­va East @Ato Boldon Sta­di­um


Man­zanil­la Sec vs Holy Cross@ Man­zanil­la

Va­len­cia Sec vs Mal­abar Sec @Va­len­cia

El Do­ra­do East vs Ari­ma North @El Do­ra­do


St Fran­cis Boys vs Blan­chisseuse Sec @St Mary's Grd

Mu­cu­rapo West vs Diego Mar­tin North @Mu­cu­rapo

Fa­ti­ma Col­lege vs Tran­quil­i­ty Sec @Fa­ti­ma


Rio Claro West vs Point Fortin Sec @Shell Grd Rio Claro

Princes Town West vs Moru­ga Sec @P/Town Grd


Scar­bor­ough Sec vs Bish­op's High @Black Rock Grd

Pen­te­costal Light &Life vs Rox­bor­ough Sec @Mt Gomery Grd

Good­wood Sec vs Ma­son Hall Sec @ Good­wood Grd

Stand­ings - Cen­tral Zone

1*Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, Chaguanas*5 *3*2*0*13*10*+3*9
2*Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary*3*2*0*1*7*2*+5*7
3*Mir­a­cle Min­istries P.H.S*3*2*0*1*7*0*+7*6
4*Preysal Sec­ondary*4*1*3*0*4*9*-5*3
5*Cou­va East Sec­ondary*3*0*3*0*0*10*-10*0

Stand­ings - East Zone

1*Ari­ma North Sec­ondary*5*5*0*0*22*3*+19*15
2*Man­zanil­la Sec­ondary*6*4*2*0*22*7*+15*12
3*Va­len­cia Sec­ondary*3*3*0*0*11*0*+11*9
4*Holy Cross Col­lege*5*2*2*1*8*4*+4*7
5*El Do­ra­do East Sec­ondary*5*0*5*0*1*17*-16*0
6*Mal­abar Sec­ondary*6*0*5*1*0*33*-33*0

Stand­ings - North Zone

1*Fa­ti­ma Col­lege*6*5*1*0*23*3*+20*15
2*Mu­cu­rapo West Sec­ondary*7*3*1*3*14*8*+6*12
3*Tran­quil­i­ty Sec­ondary*5*3*0*2*10*6*+4*11
4*Blan­chisseuse Sec­ondary*4*3*1*0*8*4*+4*9
5*Diego Mar­tin North*7*2*4*1*8*19*-11*7
6*Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral*7*1*3*3*10*14*-4*6
7*St. Fran­cis Boys Col­lege*6*0*5*1*5*25*-20*1

Stand­ings - South Zone

1*Moru­ga Sec­ondary*4*4*0*0*15*3*+12*12
2*Point Fortin East Sec­ondary*6*2*2*2*14*7*+7*8
3*Fyz­abad An­gli­can Sec­ondary*5*2*2*1*6*9*-3*7
4*Rio Claro West Sec­ondary*4*1*1*2*3*2*+1*5
5*Princes Town West*5*0*4*1*3*20*-17*1

Stand­ings - To­ba­go Zone

1*Ma­son Hall Sec­ondary*7*6*0*1*19*2*+11*19
2*Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary*6*5*0*1*16*2*+14*16
3*Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary*6*3*2*1*27*7*+20*10
4*Bish­op's High School*6*2*4*0*7*12*-5*6
5*Good­wood Sec­ondary*7*1*5*1*7*24*-17*4
6*Pen­te­costal Light & Life*4*0*1*3*6*11*-5*3
7*Rox­bor­ough Sec­ondary*6*0*5*1*5*29*-24*1