
Fri, Jan

Fatima Class of '75 honours Gally.

Fatima College was on Wednesday gifted 50 copies of Everald ‘Gally” Cummings’ autobiography.

The Fatima Class of ’75 made the presentation to Principal Father Gregory Augustine in the presence of national icon Gally Cummings, who was honoured by the recognition.

Cummings, “Thank you, Class of ’75. I will be forever grateful to Fatima College for what they have done for me and others," said Cummings, a former national player and coach of the Strike Squad.

"I thank them for setting the example for me being a successful and good human being. Fatima College through Clive Pantin, Fr Gerard Farfan, Noel Pouchet, Mervyn Moore and others have inspired me to always have a clear conscience, the courage to speak the truth and the importance of being authentic. Nitendo Vinces. By striving we shall conquer.”

The group believes that Cumming’s story of determination, discipline and resilience should be heard by young people, saying: "The Fatima Class of ’75  wants our young people to learn more about Everald “Gally” Cummings and what is possible when you add hard work and honesty to whatever talent you have."

Several other schools will be presented copies of Gally's autobiography including Mucurapo East Secondary, Mucurapo West Secondary, St James Secondary, Woodbrook Secondary, Tranquility Secondary, St Mary’s College, Queen’s Royal College, St Anthony’s College and all schools in the Secondary Schools Football League's (SSFL), Premier Division.