
Thu, Jul


New safety and security systems for sportmen and spectators at this year’s BG T&T Secondary School Football League (SSFL) will take effect from next Wednesday’s kick-off according to Krysta De Lima, chief of staff at the energy company.

At yesterday’s media conference held at the company’s hospitality suite located Queen’s Park Oval in Port-of-Spain, to launch its eighth consecutive year as sponsor of the tournament, she said their would be a concerted effort to increase awareness of safety procedures at all matches.

De Lima said: “Some of the initiatives that we will implemented this year include announcements at every game of evacuation routes for players and patrons to ensure their safety in the event of an emergency at any of the games. We have also worked with the relevant ministries to raise the bar on security.

“Our health initiative in our enhanced focus of health, safety, security and the environment takes a broad perspective on the health of our young players and will see the introduction of a personal development component for some of our players. It is our intention to eventually expose all of the players in the SSFL to this type of training.”

The initiative has been welcomed by Ewing Davis, president of the SSFL who said safety and security at these events were never taken lightly and the BG T&T effort was in keeping with global standards.

He said: “Secondary schools football has never tried to compromise health and safety at our games. We are coming up with a plan, but we want to meet with officials in the ministries before we announce it.”

De Lima cited that mental and emotional preparation was just as valuable to an athlete’s performance as traditional programmes that focus on the physical attributes.

Footballers in this year’s SSFL would be introduced to sport psychology with specific emphasis on mental toughness based on a model which regards strong mental and emotional management as critical aspects of successful athletes.

Dolly and Associates is the company charged with facilitating these programmes. The SSFL kicks-off in the east where St Augustine Secondary comes up against Trinity College East, in St Augustine, while Blanchisseuse High takes on Providence a day later in Blanchisseuse.

Next SSFL Matches