
Fri, Jan


Ce­line Lo­raine made it 12 goals in two match­es when she net­ted eight times to lead Jew­els to a 14-0 tri­umph over Cen­tral Women when match­es in the T&T Women’s League Foot­ball (WoLF) con­tin­ued at Sig­nal Hill Recre­ation Ground, Sig­nal Hill, To­ba­go on Tues­day night.

In ad­di­tion to Lo­raine, who scored four times in Jew­els 7-1 whip­ping of the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T on Sun­day last, Tiah Crichlow and Dar­ri­anne Hen­ry added two goals each while De­r­isha Bris­tol and Lloysha Si­mon chipped in with the oth­ers.

The win was the fourth in nine match­es for Jew­els, now with 12 points in sev­enth spot, ten be­hind lead­ers Club San­do.

Al­so on Tues­day night, na­tion­al strik­er Anique Walk­er scored in each half to fire Po­lice FC past St Au­gus­tine Ju­niors 5-0 at Knowles Street Recre­ation Ground, Curepe.

The Law­women took the lead in the 11th minute through the for­mer na­tion­al play­er, Jo-Marie Lewis be­fore Walk­er made it 2-0 four min­utes lat­er while Maya Ma­touk ex­tend­ed the ad­van­tage to 3-0 in the 40th minute.

In the sec­ond-half, Minty Cruick­shank made it 4-0 in the 62nd while Walk­er got her dou­ble in the 69th to com­plete the scor­ing and so­lid­i­fy her team's hold on the sixth spot with 14 points from nine match­es, six adrift of the trio of Queen's Park Crick­et Club, St Au­gus­tine FC and De­fence Force.


On Tues­day

Jew­els FC 14 (Ce­line Lo­raine 8, Dar­ri­ane Hen­ry 2, Tiah Crichlow 2, Lloysha Si­mon, De­r­isha Bris­tol) vs Cen­tral Women 0
Po­lice FC 5 (Anique Walk­er 15th, 69th, Jo-Marie Lewis 11th, Maya Ma­touk 40th, Minty Cruick­shank 62nd) vs St Au­gus­tine Jrs 0

On Sat­ur­day

Trinci­ty Na­tion­als 3 vs Malvern SC 0 - by de­fault
Club San­do 6 (Ah­keela Mol­lon 3, Kay­la Tay­lor 2, Kha­didra Debe­sette) vs QPCC 1 (Ja­nine Fran­cois)
To­ba­go Chi­cas 3 (Nei­tha Her­cules 2, Tsa­ianne Le­an­der) vs Po­lice FC 1 (Jo-Marie Lewis 44th)
St Au­gus­tine FC 27 (Chris­sy Mitchell 7, Nia Hon­ore 7, Shne­ice May­nard 3, Tal­i­ah Si­mon 3, Ayan­na Rus­sell, Malai­ka Dedi­er, Leah Mas­si­ah, Nat­i­fah Hack­shaw, Maria Frances-Ser­rant 2, own goal) vs Cen­tral Women 0

On Sun­day

De­fence Force2 (Sha­nia Lewis, Kamile De­gale) vs St Au­gus­tine Jrs 0
Jew­els FC 7 (Ce­line Lo­raine 4, Dar­ri­ane Hen­ry 2, Lloysha Si­mon) vs UTT 1 ( Ke­li­cia Ram­chan­dra)

Cur­rent TTWoLF stand­ings


1. Club San­do*9*7*1*1*54*8*22
2. Trinci­ty Na­tion­als*9*7*0*2*35*10*21
3. QPCC*10*6*2*2*53*15*20
4. St Au­gus­tine FC*9*6*2*1*47*6*20
5. De­fence Force*9*6*2*1*18*12*20
6. Po­lice FC*9*4*2*3*37*10*14
7. Jew­els FC*9*4*0*5*28*20*12
8. UTT*9*2*3*4*27*16*9
9. St Au­gus­tine Jr*8*2*0*6*21*34*6
10. To­ba­go Chi­cas*7*2*0*5*8*13*6
11. Malvern*8*1*0*7*4*58*3
12. Cen­tral Women*9*0*0*9*0*121*0

Top scor­ers

1. Ah­keela Mol­lon (Club San­do) - 17
2. Afiyah Corn­wall (QPCC) - 16
3. Ce­line Lo­raine (Jew­els) - 12
4. Anique Walk­er (Po­lice FC), Kay­la Tay­lor (Club San­do) - 11
5. Shenelle Jor­dan ((UTT), Asha James (Trinci­ty Na­tion­als) - 8

Up­com­ing match­es


Malvern vs To­ba­go Chi­cas, Dibe Rec. Grd, Long Cir­cu­lar, St James, 4 pm

On Sat­ur­day

Malvern SC vs UTT, Dibe Rec. Grd, Long Cir­cu­lar, St James, 4 pm
Po­lice FC vs Trinci­ty Na­tion­als, Knowles Street Rec. Grd, Curepe, 4 pm


Cen­tral Women vs To­ba­go Chi­cas, Venue to be de­ter­mined
St Au­gus­tine Jrs vs Jew­els, Knowles Street Rec. Grd, Curepe, 4 pm
De­fence Force vs Club San­do, De­fence Force Head­quar­ters, Ch­aguara­mas, 4 pm

On Au­gust 20

St Au­gus­tine FC vs To­ba­go Chi­cas, Fred­er­ick Set­tle­ment Grd, Ca­roni, 4 pm

SOURCE: T&T Guardian