
Fri, Feb


Club San­do was crowned cham­pi­on of the T&T Women’s League Foot­ball (WoLF) but on­ly on goal-dif­fer­ence from St Au­gus­tine FC when the fi­nal round of match­es took place on Sun­day.

Play­ing at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la, Club San­do blanked Jew­els FC 3-0 with a goal each from Ah­keela Mol­lon, in the 28th, Den­necia Prince in the 29th and Der­nelle Mas­call, ten min­utes from full-time to end with 26 points, lev­el with St Au­gus­tine FC who bat­tled past De­fence Force 2-1 at Knowles Street Recre­ation Ground, Curepe.
With her strike, Mol­lon al­so sneaked ahead of her ri­vals for the "Gold­en Boot" award for most goals with 17 with Queen's Park Crick­et Club's (QPCC) Afi­iyah Corn­wall, a goal be­hind, fol­lowed by To­ba­go Chi­cas' Tsa­ianne Le­an­der (15), and the pair of Jew­els' Ce­line Lo­raine and Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T's (UTT) Shenelle Jor­dan, with 14 each.

Chris­sy Mitchell put St Au­gus­tine FC ahead af­ter 20 min­utes, on­ly for na­tion­al de­fend­er Jemi­la Math­lin to get De­fence Force on lev­el terms in the 35th.

How­ev­er, Shenelle May­nard's 72nd-minute strike proved de­ci­sive for St Au­gus­tine, to grab all three points, but in the end, Club San­do's plus-49 goal-dif­fer­ence to their plus-45 proved the telling fac­tor.

A day ear­li­er at the St Mary's Ground, Freeport, Trinci­ty Na­tion­als moved ahead in the ti­tle race with a 19-0 ham­mer­ing of cel­lar-placed Cen­tral Women.

Shanelle War­rick led the way with five goals for Trinci­ty Na­tion­als while Raynell Pas­call and Natisha John added beaver tricks and the duo of Moe­ne­sa Mejias and Nick­isha James two each.

In Sat­ur­day's oth­er match­es, UTT and St Au­gus­tine Ju­niors bat­tled to a 2-2 draw while Po­lice FC won by de­fault from Malvern Sports Club.

The match be­tween QPCC and To­ba­go Chi­cas card­ed for Mt Gomery Recre­ation Ground, To­ba­go, was not played af­ter both teams showed up at the venue with uni­forms too close in like­ness for the match of­fi­cials and the out­come will be de­ter­mined by the league's dis­ci­pli­nary com­mit­tee.

WoLF Re­sults


Club San­do 3 (Ah­keela Mol­lon 28th, Den­necia Prince 29th, Der­nelle Mas­call 80th) vs Jew­els 0

St Au­gus­tine FC 2 (Chris­sy Mitchell 20th, Shenelle May­nard 72nd) vs De­fence Force 1 (Jemi­la Math­lin 35th)


UTT 2 (Zoe Swift 4th, Shenelle Jor­dan 23rd) vs St Au­gus­tine Jrs 2 (Ja­da Gask­ins 8th, 35th).

Trinci­ty Na­tion­als 19 (Raynell Pas­call 9th, 13th, 61st, 80th, Shanelle War­rick 10th, 20th, 35th, 59th, 76th, Natisha John 52nd, 53rd, 72nd, 78th, Moe­ne­sa Mejias 32nd, 47th, Nick­isha James 66th, 85th, Shamya Owen 18th, Katara Munroe 26th) vs Cen­tral Women 0.

Po­lice FC 3 vs Malvern 0 - by de­fault

Top scor­ers

17 - Ah­keela Mol­lon (Club San­do),

16 - Afiyah Corn­wall (QPCC)

15 - Tsa­ianne Le­an­der (To­ba­go Chi­cas)

14 - Ce­line Lo­raine (Jew­els), Shenelle Jor­dan ((UTT)

11 - Anique Walk­er (Po­lice FC), Kay­la Tay­lor (Club San­do), Chris­sy Mitchell (St Au­gus­tine FC)

9 - Asha James (Trinci­ty Na­tion­als)

6 - Alex­cia Ali (Club San­do), Jes­si­ca Har­ri­g­an (QPCC), Ash­lee Alon­zo (QPCC), Nia Hon­ore (St Au­gus­tine FC), Kir­land­da Bap­tiste (UTT), Minty Cruick­shank (Po­lice FC)

Cur­rent TTWoLF Stand­ings

1*Club San­do*11*8*2*1*57*8*26
2*St Au­gus­tine FC*11*8*2*1*52*7*26
3*Trinci­ty Na­tion­als*11*8*1*2*55*11*25
4*De­fence Force*11*6*3*2*19*14*21
6*Po­lice FC*11*5*3*3*41*11*18
7*Jew­els FC*11*4*1*6*29*24*13
9*To­ba­go Chi­cas*10*4*0*6*43*16*12
10*St Au­gus­tine Jrs*11*2*2*7*24*42*8
12*Cen­tral Women*11*0*0*11*0*173*0