
Fri, Jan

Trinidad and Tobago Women’s League Football (TT WOLF) president Mrs Susan Joseph-Warrick.

“[…] It was stated in the allegations that I failed to consult with my colleagues before signing on behalf of the body, and further, the matter was not discussed at membership or executive level.

“[…] This matter was in fact discussed with the Trinidad and Tobago Women’s League Football (TT WOLF) executives in an emergency meeting called by the president of the organisation, Mrs Susan Joseph-Warrick, on Thursday 27th August 2020 at 1.30pm…”

The following is a Letter to the Editor by Trinidad and Tobago Women’s League of Football (WoLF) treasurer Christine Rose, in response to an assertion by WoLF president Susan Joseph-Warrick that Rose did not consult with her colleagues before supporting the request for an EGM to discuss the current TTFA/Fifa imbroglio:

On Friday 4th September 2020, I noticed a post on Wired868 that featured my name with allegations attributed to me which were totally false. This is in reference to a post dealing with the subject of the ongoing impasse between United TTFA and FIFA.

Worst, no one from the online news source Wired868 thought it fit to ask me a question whether those allegations were true or not. Let me set the record straight.

It was stated in the allegations that I failed to consult with my colleagues before signing on behalf of the body, and further, the matter was not discussed at membership or executive level.

These are the facts.

This matter was in fact discussed with the Trinidad and Tobago Women’s League Football (TT WOLF) executives in an emergency meeting called by the president of the organisation, Mrs Susan Joseph-Warrick, on Thursday 27th August 2020 at 1.30pm.

The outcome of this meeting resulted in the entire executive, inclusive of the president Mrs Susan Joseph Warrick—all of whom unanimously voted against the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) to be banned by Fifa.

Also, Mrs Joseph-Warrick, along with all our other executive members were present at the said meeting. Therefore, to throw me under the bus for the fault of others is unfair.

Editor’s Note: Wired868 notes that a WoLF vote ‘against the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) [being] banned by Fifa’ is not the same thing as supporting a call for an EGM. Thus far, Rose still has not offered any proof that she had the support of the WoLF executive or membership in signing up for an EGM.

On the substantive matter of whether Rose was authorised to sign for WoLF, Susan Joseph-Warrick said she was—which Wired868 published. We therefore reject outright any suggestion that there was an inaccuracy in our initial article.